Can't Think of a Catchy Title

Hello, First time poster here, just migrated from icmag. (obvious reasons) My room is roughly 12x8x7 split in half 6x8x7. (Veg-Bloom) Its in the basement and all the surrounding walls are cinder block. I have a 600 watt hps, I think I can only use a portable a/c unit (because of the brick) which I have tee"d into light exhaust. I also have a dehumidifier tee'd to same exhaust. I have a slight smell outside so first ? How to setup scrubber in my situation. 2nd ? How would I run Co2 in this setup. Also my Bloom does not have any fresh air coming in. The only way I could is to bring it in from Veg room. Is that ok? I have been running this way for a while but I know I can do better. Just tired of wasting money on trial n error. Pics coming as soon as I figure out how



Well-Known Member
you want the fans sucking through the carbon filter, if you carnt for some reason the have it at the end of your exhaust run and blow out of it, also bringing air in from the veg room is fine but depending on veg room temps may raise your flower room alot.
Here is the intake coming into bloom room, I have my vortex fan hiding off in corner, There is the 6" tee there as well (hidden under insulation) the other branch goes to my a/c and dehumidifier.


And my a/c and dehumidifier. Being that its October, Im not using the a/c and will probably disconnect the tee soon, I can use the heat coming from dehumidifier in the winter months



Well-Known Member
I'd put the vegging plants in another room and just use that room for flowering. Tear out the wall in the middle and it should give you a 20x8 space, which will let you add 9 600 watt lights to the one you already have.

Your still going to need a big veg area - are there other rooms in your house you can use? The power / lighting requirements are a lot easier for the veg area, so you might be able to convert a bedroom or attic into one pretty easy.
So it being October im not too concerned about heat, I plan on getting central air after winter then im going to move my intake from outside to in. I would like to add co2 in the near future but believe that would be a waste of money due to how I have my room vented. Any ideas? All the walls in my rooms are brick so a traditional a/c wont work. have to use portable.


New Member
what about da chimney?
and use carbon filters
dunno bout co2 i just use a co2 fermentation tank
I thought about the chimney, there is actually a 6" access door right where the oscillating fan is. But I don't know much about them. Can I run duct right to the access door? I know the hot water tank and furnace vent out of it. Or would I have to run duct all the way down chimney? That I cant do. Anyone try co2 boost buckets? Do you run them on a timer? Or 24/7. And If they work