Cant water plants...


Active Member

I have 4 plants in a 4ft cupboard, its well ventilated with a fan going so temperature isnt a concern but I am actually away from home for almost 4 days! I watered the plants well just before leaving, filling once then leaving for an hour then filling again to ensure the soil had soaked up as much as possible. Now I am starting to worry they will die before I get back.... I have them on 12/12 (starting at 8pm) so will be back on Thurs to water before the lights go back on. Can the plants survive without additional water for approx 60hours? I knows its a bit late now to ask as I am away and cant do anything but am hoping you can put my mind to rest....

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Oh, the soil used was supposed to absord the water better and I added in perlite too.


Well-Known Member
If you got big pots they hold more water in the medium, thus providing water for you plants longer, but also you flowering and flowering plants drink more IMO. so i think you will be ok but they will look thirsty no doubt....


Well-Known Member
Look into wick watering IF you really think you're in peril. Basically, you run a "wick" from a bucket to your soil and it takes what it needs thru that wick.


Well-Known Member
he's already away. you need to tell us the size of the plants and pots, and how long you've been flowering. then we can answer. a good start would be: how often do you currently water?


Well-Known Member
Yea i think he just stress'n they will be thirsty but alive and will continue to flower... thats about all i can say, end of story.


Active Member
i didn't water my plants but once a week and i only had 1.25 gallon pots. look at the link in my sig. they turned out alright. I'm sure four days won't hurt, but could if you had tiny pots. let us know some more info.


Active Member
Hi all, thanks for your quick replies - i got for a few beers and come back to a great response. :D

I have really large pots, not 100% sure of the size but they are about 7" in diameter and 6" tall.... didnt take a note of the size before I cut of the labels... newbie mistake. That is for my two biggest b ut I also have two smaller plants who are about 2/3 weeks behind my oldest. They are in smaller - about 4.5" but 6" and also flowering buy considerably less "bushy" but as they are white widow and I know their strain I think they will be ok..... I think the perlite in all the pots would have soaked up enuf moisture before I left as I double watered them and thanks for the advice. I will let u all know when I get back on thursday night. I dont another quick count and its actually about 80hours without water and not the 60 I first thought... I just hope i can get them back to health as they will be stressed to hell.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you'll be fine. so you know, perlite doesn't absorb much moisture at all. maybe you're thinking of vermiculite.


Active Member
lol my babys didn't mind me leaving for a few days anytime when i came back wow there so much bigger, they will be fine enjoy your trip, and my biggest advice don't worry thats what f's up a grow!


Active Member
Well I got back from 4 days away and the plants were fine. :D

The way i felt the setup meant temps didnt go above 24degrees and the soild hadnt even fully dried out.

They buds took a spurt of growth too so I am quite happy now. Prob still weeks left to grow and I am hoping to go on a proper holiday soon but this time I will get a friend to water them midway and leave my keys!
