Cap controllers


Well-Known Member
My friend just gave me all his old cap stuff I am super happy. So this humidity controller anybody have any experience with them. Are they even worth hooking up? I have no controllers in their now so figured use em what do you think? Also what I don't understand I have carbon filter and inlime fan hooked up in tent that goes out window. I have my portable ac in their vented to another window. So I have a dehumidifier so I hook that up to it. I don't have a humidifier though it says in instructions use exaust fan instead. How does that work? Prob a dumb question but I want took hook this bad bear up I never had one lol
Def worth using humidity controllers. You could make it so the exhaust fan doesn't exhaust to raise the humidity. I'm not sure of your controller, I have an inkbird, but if I was you I'd go grab a cheap humidifier and do it right.
Def worth using humidity controllers. You could make it so the exhaust fan doesn't exhaust to raise the humidity. I'm not sure of your controller, I have an inkbird, but if I was you I'd go grab a cheap humidifier and do it right.
Thanks for advice I am selling my cap humidity controller and by inkbird