CAP ebb and grow failures


Well-Known Member
If you have room for the bag you have room to brew. Air stone 5gallon bucket and tea mix. 2.5 cubic feet. And for the price they charge get xtream tea. Last 10 days and is great. So you can get 2 tank changes.


Maybe why hydrostore was shut down when I went this time. Got the stuff for tea somewhere else and getting it going. Thanks to all for your help! I'll keep you updated.


better 001.jpgbetter 002.jpgbetter 003.jpg:hump:

Thanks for all the help. Tea works. I can't even express how F'n happy I am. They're not perfect, but I believe they are on their way. Ph is still bouncing around a bit, but plants seem to be liking whatever I'm doing at this point. Flipped 3 days ago. I'll put pics up of buds when they start coming. What a awesome forum...