CAP ozone generator--run it for how long?


I got one of those CAP ozone generators that's works for 5500 cubic square feet.

I was wondering how safe it is to run in a room 15x14, with the tent inside the room?

(Just running it outside the room.)

15 min/hour sound okay? The room has good ventilation, but I read ozone can build up in the space--

I appreciate any advice!


Ran the ozone generator tonight--I was shocked how fast it took care of the smell. It started smelling like a rainforest almost instantly.

Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on how long to run it?


Well-Known Member
You don't want to run it too long. I've heard they can screw up your plants. Most likely every 10-15 mins every hour should do the trick. I'd play around and see whats best to keep the smells down in your room. Some don't even treat the room with O2. Some folks build an have their room's vented air treated before it escapes to the outdoors.