Car batteries for POWER?


Well-Known Member
Who has multiple accounts? More of your yap running with no proof.

Idle threats, idle threats and more idle threats from a truly 'stupid and weak-minded fool' (your own words fit you the best). You really should try to make threats you can actually carry out, loser.

...and NO ONE is going to Glasto after Jay-Z headlined. You think you're worth the trouble to seek out? You're SO full of yourself. I wouldn't piss on your feet if your shoes were on fire.

You're leaving? THANK FUCK! Best move you've made so far. Sayonara, ball blower.
Poor dude.
I am of course the loser who deserves to be attacked for sharing an idea.
I don't recall threatening you,just inviting you to say it to my face.
Maybe its just because i get fed up with rude haters like yourself that hide behind their pc screen,not speaking their real minds,just being pricks and talking shit because they are scared to in real life.

I am so full of myself for telling you to get stuffed hmmm...i don't think so,i always say that to opinionated angry little wankers like yourself when they blast off at me.
Your gonna get all that you deserve,i know this and i am satisfied:mrgreen:

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Bully's tactic number one: Hit first, then act the victim. You've threatened me with physical violence no less than three times in this thread. Don't play angelic. Not flying.

Does that mean you're leaving now or is your definition of 'goodbye' different than mine?


Well-Known Member
And where is there a saving? It would actually use more energy to charge the batteries than you would use just plugged into the grid, due to losses in the charging. You have to look at the whole picture after all not just one part. Your day to day electrical use would drop sure , but at the end of the billing period it would have undergone an increase in total usage because of the high draw during charging. I personally can't see any rational reason to do this unless you are off the grid and are using a hyrdro-electric turbine, wind turbine or solar panels. Sorry to ramble on, but this question made me think a bit.

Unless you used youre car/truck alternator 15 minute charge per 5 batteries,but the dc lighting thats a puzzle.I work with a/c inverters and they all pretty much suck!!!good luck,keep us posted!!!


Active Member
Allow me to give everyone an example of perpetual motion.

Take a gallon of water. Add electricity and break the molecule into a new form: Hydrogen, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. Burn the new form and create steam to drive a turban. Make electricity to start the process all over.

If, after one cycle, you have excess HHO, you have created perpetual motion. People have done variations of this experiment for almost a century, and gotten the same result. It is a bust, because it violates the laws of physics.
that is a perpetual system yes... but does it create energy? no... it doesnt violate the law of physics... just as if you hit a golf ball off the moon... it will keep going cause there are no forces acting on gravity ,wind fluidamics or what ever that is:blsmoke:
energy can neither be created or destroyed!!!! that is a fact!


Well-Known Member
that is a perpetual system yes... but does it create energy? no... it doesnt violate the law of physics... just as if you hit a golf ball off the moon... it will keep going cause there are no forces acting on gravity ,wind fluidamics or what ever that is:blsmoke:
energy can neither be created or destroyed!!!! that is a fact!
I believe we both made about the same point. A working model of perpetual motion has never been made.