carbon filter hash oil questions???


Active Member
So i have made BHO a bunch of times.... usually the simple method with like 3 or 4 coffee filters at the end of PVC.... What im wondering is do people only use carbon filters on ISO??? Do they use them on BHO?? Ive heard it makes it more pure.. When i make it basically the more coffee filters i use at the bottom (i have used up to 5) it is more pure getting way less yeilds than if i use one or 2... But im interested in the carbon filter..... thanks.....


Well-Known Member
I thought carbon filters were used in the grow room to filter smell. Are you confusing carbon filter with something else maybe? Or maybe I just am not hip with the ISO hash...


Active Member
Active carbon is used in a variety of different ways to filter different medias. yes carbon filters are very good for removing odors from the air but carbon is also used to filter water, in gas masks, even to filter all of our favorite smoke(roor has an active carbon adapter, never used one but looks interesting). Not that this info is of much help to the op but its some of what i know about uses for active carbon. I cant wait to make oil after harvest, though, so I will definitely be watching this thread


Active Member
A lot of the ISO hash making methods people run it through activated carbon.. I was just wondering if you can do it with the BHO method.. yeah carbon filters are awesome work great....


Active Member
I was just wondering the same thing as you herbpirate and I bought some activated carbon filter refills for aquarium and I plan on trying this in addition to 2 cofee filters, I will update you whenever I try this if you are still interested