Carbon Filter necessary?


Well-Known Member
hello all,

i am about to start my first grow at the apartment i recently moved into. the bedroom has a walk-in closet about 5x5 feet with a ceiling around 8 feet high. about a 1/3 of this space is occupied with clothes hanging on hangers. the rest is empty. i am currently germinating 9 seeds, 8 being bagseed, 1 OG Kush seed.

my plan is to only end up with 2, maybe 3 girls MAX to grow this first time around. the closet has no windows or vents aside from a small hole in the ceiling near the lightbulbs that are underneath of the glass covering. this hole goes into the ceiling, i'm assuming, to vent the hot air that accumulates under the glass housing for the lights. the hole is maybe a half inch in diameter. i live on the top floor of the building with no one above me. our central air/heating is contained within our unit and does not circulate to other apartments.

imo, the room size seems ideal for what i plan on doing. my 4' fluoros are hanging nicely and as i said, the room is now set up for growing and nearly empty.

that being said, my question is this: will the scent of 2-3 medium sized plants (i plan on flowering early) during flowering create too strong a smell to go without a carbon filter of some kind? also, since the room has no vents, how should i deal with air circulation besides tossing a fan in there? i feel like it would be bad to box off the plants and keep the same air circulating.. my room mate and i smoke weed multiple times a day in our living room, bedrooms, everywhere, at times it gets REALLY smokey and we have never had a problem. would it be unwise to use this as a measure of how smell-proof our apartment is?

thanks for all of the help in advance


If you plan on flowering your plants... ofcourse you do, so yes it is very necessary, especially living in an apartment like you do. You ever have that time of day when you can smell everything your complex is cooking? well you would never want that happening with your plants right.. a carbon filter will get rid of all smells in your grow room.


Well-Known Member
ok so it is definitely a yes. the next question i might need to answer myself but i will toss it out anyway-

given that im growing in a closet without windows or vents, how should i route a ventilation line out (or in, for that matter) while having to keep the door itself closed? the door would have to be open to fit anything wider than garden hose out or in, which i would have to route under the inch gap between the door and carpet..

ive read some of the diy carbon filter methods, some seem easy and viable, it is just a question of how to route it in or out whilst having to keep the door shut.

EDIT- i cant cut holes in the wall or door or anything like that obviously since i'm in an apartment, otherwise i would do that.


Well-Known Member
or could i keep it in the grow room and it would minimize the smell just by circulating the existing air through a spoofer essentially?