Carbon filter not enough. Who else still has odors when using one?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
the point is thouhg he shouldnt need a bandaid to make what he already has work right. fix the issues not cover it up.

and yes, all the humidity does is shorten the life. and no way it should kill a filter that is of good qualtiy in 1 month even at 100% hell ive even made my own here with the lowest qualtiy fish tank carbon and it last 2 months. and was run in a room at constant 80%

ok so the room is roughly 2 foot by 3 foot by 7 foot tall/ the cfm needed is about only 42 cfm. and if my rough math is right the measurments you have equals about 200 cfm for us cfm guys obver the meter square thing. so the fan is lots for what you have and if the filter was rated to that fan its plenty to last a long time.

so do you have neg pressure in the room? do the walls pull in to contain the smells or does it leak all over to allow them out. hold a smoke or something at the intake and see if it pulls the smoke in easily or is slow. if its fine then maybe try a fan speedster to lower the cfm for the fan. maybe with the lower qualtiy carbon it needs to move over it slower then we recomend being fast to smash the particles into smaller ones,.to be better obsorbed.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
i like when people tell manufacturers of their own brand of filter they do it worng....good one. dpends on filter designs and carbon to the speeds. we tested thios over a 3 years period before we finalized our you build or design filter to have science back that statement?

what nmakes somehting penatrat emore...throw it at it slow or say fast. slow would to me just bounce off it. throw a dart at a board slow then fast and see. same theory

trichlone fiend

New Member
i like when people tell manufacturers of their own brand of filter they do it worng....good one. dpends on filter designs and carbon to the speeds. we tested thios over a 3 years period before we finalized our you build or design filter to have science back that statement?

what nmakes somehting penatrat emore...throw it at it slow or say fast. slow would to me just bounce off it. throw a dart at a board slow then fast and see. same theory
...yeah, I have my own experiemnt, that's my science. Slow is better. "penetrate" ????? Odor attaches to the activated carbon by a chemical reaction, not by being beat into the carbon. They are added to the surface of the carbon, they are not absorbed by the carbon. They are adsorbed.'s a link for your further information >>>

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
i dont go by a slaes page selling their own products for being truthfull data. ill stick to the independent reports that test others qualtiy as we did and use real equipment to test this not just looking or sniffing tests. if it dosent obsorb why do most talk abpout the syrface erea of the holes in it. it wont get there if it canmt penetrate it, would only wrap around the chucnk of carbon versus go into them microscopic pours.


Well-Known Member
Its in an apartment with about 650 ft2 and the windows are usually closed.
If i remember correctly the fan is so strong to controll the temperature in the small space with a 400w HPS.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
Grow space should be 35 sq feet (70x24x35 inches)....or is it....Its in an apartment with about 650 ft2. is 1 is grow erea and other is whole place. whole place dosent matter.

and not another fan. just a speed controler. i sue oens called the speester. cheeper than buying another smaller fan


Well-Known Member
Thought you were asking about the room it was standing in and thought id give you an idea of the whole ventilation in the apartment.
Would partially covering up the exhaust hole be good enough to reduce air flow and to test if it makes a difference? It would be a simpler experiment than to go buy a dimmer and install it.


Well-Known Member
Buy a speed controller, and set it up right! Put the filter inside hooked right up to the fan. Do not allow leaks.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
all the covering the hole will do is harm the fan. is this cab even sealed up on the face? the only way to try it right is a speedster. they are about 35 bucks. dont use a light dimmer.


Well-Known Member
yet another thread aborted. what a shame - the information here is so needed! Please come through


Well-Known Member

I've got an airros and I have no odor, much better than a carbon filter.
