Carbon filter problems


New Member
Working on carbon filters for my PC-grow.
So I have bought some active carbon, but unfortunately I can not find it in pellets.
This means that I have got active carbon-POWDER.
My plan was to use som very thin towels with very very small holes in it or some stockings to make the filter.
However, because it´s powder I need a whole lot in it and it´s not very much space for air to flow through when I fill up a whole homemade filter.

So I read somewhere in a comment that a guy soaked his thin towels in carbon powder and dried them.
He said they became a little bit dusty, but that they worked.

How does this sound to you guys? Worth a shot? (I´ve already soaked them, gonna work on it tomorrow).


New Member
I will probably find it if I look more.
I´m just wondering if this might work, as I spent my last money on it, and don´t want to wait to start :p


Well-Known Member
you could just buy a phresh filter if you factor in the time wasted driving all over the earth, tinkering, figuring out it doesnt work.


Well-Known Member
Have to agree with Cheetoe. A home made filter is only slightly cheaper than a ready-made filter, is a lot more work, and not as effective. Spend the fucking money.


Well-Known Member
^ what filter are you going to buy for a PC Grow? 150cfm is the minimum I have seen and that is too much for 1 cfm of space, the math just doesn't add up easily.

I would suspect that the powder isn't activated carbon and is just actually charcoal, like what they would pump your stomach with at the hospital if you drank too much or ate something poisonous.


New Member
They also sell activated carbon filter replacements at walmart. About 12 bucks for 2 big sheets of pretty good too.