Carbon filter

I was using vivosun for a while but they couldnt keep up in flower so i got a phresh.. never had a problem since.. they run pretty high though.. i have the 8x 24 inch i think its rated for 750 cfms
Yeah I wish I would have just went with 8” from the start but now I don’t wanna get a new fan because the one I have is pretty badass and keeps the temp and humidity and it’s all digital.. it’s the AC infinity cloudline T6
You don't want to blast your air thru your filter to quick Terrabloom is one of the best filters I have used I have tried some expensive big name filters that didn't last nearly as long or good pulling the air through filters works better IMO make sure your joints are all taped/sealed is the speed controller you are using come with the fan? After market sped controllers work by turning your fan on and off instead of lowering the amps and will wear your ran out in short order a variable voltage speed controller is worth the $$ your fans will thank you
I just recently had to worry about the smell and got a filter. Instructions said to set it up so the fan sucks air in through the filter.

I was kind of skeptical but it removes all the smell and I don’t even use a tent, just a closet with a tarp over it.
Ciggy will work just know smoking will reduce the lifespan of the carbon filters, weed or tobacco.. So long as your tent/room has a negative pressure pulling through the carbon filter there should be no smell.. Obviously positive pressure in the room/tent can cause smell from untreated air to leak out.

Even if your tent isn't sealed and or has tears you can achieve no smell with proper power inline fan and carbon scrubber.

Not affiliated but I recommend Phresh filters I would avoid Amazon brands like AC Infinity because I'm sorry to say it cause i love AC infinity fans but their carbon filters suuck....
Ciggy will work just know smoking will reduce the lifespan of the carbon filters, weed or tobacco.. So long as your tent/room has a negative pressure pulling through the carbon filter there should be no smell.. Obviously positive pressure in the room/tent can cause smell from untreated air to leak out.

Even if your tent isn't sealed and or has tears you can achieve no smell with proper power inline fan and carbon scrubber.

Not affiliated but I recommend Phresh filters I would avoid Amazon brands like AC Infinity because I'm sorry to say it cause i love AC infinity fans but their carbon filters suuck....
Yea my AC Infinity filter sucked. Could smell it coming up my driveway.
i paid around 230 for the 24 x 8 inch it’s a big filter, i got tired of purchasing cheaper one that didn’t do their job. I had the same problem, i could smell it from the street. The phresh solved that.
Do you have an 8” ducting or did you go from a 6” to 8” with and adapter of sorts?
If you're in a tent you wanna suck the air through the filter then out through the inline fan.
If you're just killing the smell in the room itself, just put the inline fan on the carbon scrubber in the room directly and let it circulate.
So you think the 8” filter is worth buying over the 6”?

If you can afford 8" I would go with that even if its oversized just get a fan with a speed controller you can dial it back if you need to. Better more than less and also the larger the filter the more air it's going to be able to treat and typically the longer it lasts.
I'll vouch for the 8x24 phresh filter. I've got the same one paired with a variable speed 8in hyper fan and it does the job quietly and 100%.

I only grow during the winter months, so it only gets 4mo of use each year but it runs 24/7 during that time. It's been down there working for 5-6yrs, going strong.

If I shut it down the whole house stanks within 10-20 minutes.