Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

Good thing u got the hps man....

Keep it one foot to 14 inches apart...

The rule of thumb is, Put u hand Just above the tallest canopy... If its hot, the light needs to be higher...

I dnt use pH meter... dnt really need it

I use "Aqua Guard" Water :p
the whole kit's costing me 4 grand... a 250w bulb, reflector an ballast( call it a choke when u go to the shop )
so i just went to a specialist lighting shop.... gave him 2000 advance an he got it 4 me.... but remember to ask him 2 get and keep a few extra bulbs coz these bulbs run out almost every 2 months.... also i got the shop keeper to disconnect the ballast so i can keep it away
u will have problems finding anything over 250w...
the 250 w HPS and MH lights r used in the stadiums so they can b found....
what abt the timer did u buy 1???
ive started cloning.... going to sort out a SOG and ive decided to flower a few outdoors...
have u changed to 12/12 as yet

Go there and don't waste thousands of dollars bro. I got a 250 watt remote ballast, two reflectors, and an HPS and MH conversion bulb for under 200 dollars shipped to my door step. Check that place out and save yourself some money. Good luck^^^

Tom :leaf:
the whole kit's costing me 4 grand... a 250w bulb, reflector an ballast( call it a choke when u go to the shop )
so i just went to a specialist lighting shop.... gave him 2000 advance an he got it 4 me.... but remember to ask him 2 get and keep a few extra bulbs coz these bulbs run out almost every 2 months.... also i got the shop keeper to disconnect the ballast so i can keep it away
u will have problems finding anything over 250w...
the 250 w HPS and MH lights r used in the stadiums so they can b found....
what abt the timer did u buy 1???
ive started cloning.... going to sort out a SOG and ive decided to flower a few outdoors...
have u changed to 12/12 as yet

Not really dude, My board exams are on now... not really getting time...
Im getting the 2700k CLFs tomorrow morning... :)
12/12 from the day after, after 24 hours of dark... actually, if i can get everything done in 12 hours, i'll switch 12/12 directly after 12 dark :)

As of the timers, Im getting em next week... Cash issues :|

I dunno abt the MH light now, i wont get it i thnk... i like it stealthy and Cool... and im not gonna but all those cool tubes and ballasts :|
Too complicated and hot imo... I wanna gain more experience...

Im gonna have a Farmhouse for growing in june... definitely im gonna go for 250 HID... Ordering some seeds online i think... deciding the strains :)

Okay, about the clones... How are u taking the clones?.. Did u find rockwool cubes anywhere?.. or are u going for soil?..
What cloning solution are u using?.. Have u seen rooting as of yet??...

Man, i have killed like 5 clones in soil maybe... i suk at taking clones :|

Go there and don't waste thousands of dollars bro. I got a 250 watt remote ballast, two reflectors, and an HPS and MH conversion bulb for under 200 dollars shipped to my door step. Check that place out and save yourself some money. Good luck^^^

Tom :leaf:
was talking in rupees... indian currency... comes out to abt 100 $

Go there and don't waste thousands of dollars bro. I got a 250 watt remote ballast, two reflectors, and an HPS and MH conversion bulb for under 200 dollars shipped to my door step. Check that place out and save yourself some money. Good luck^^^

Tom :leaf:

lols... he meant 4000 Indian Rupees... not dollars :p
Thats about 80 dollars :)

And 200 dollars is like 10000 Rupees... That is way too much for a 17 year old student like me to manage :|
You gotta be 18 to be on these boards carcass, I'd edit that last post haha


oh common, RIU is a good place man... and Im quite matured...I bet u wudnt have guessed my age correct if i hadnt disclosed.... I turn 18 before i get my yeild... hahaha...I'll be furious if any1 bans me...I learnt sooo much abt Ganja and growing from this site... they cant be so ungrateful man :|
4 sure... where in del will u b... i stay in dlf to be exact...
dont worry im a working man(just recently) so ill hook u up while ur here
4 sure... where in del will u b... i stay in dlf to be exact...
dont worry im a working man(just recently) so ill hook u up while ur here

Im gonna come for a Concert i got in Delhi..
and Keep of Kalissen and Textures headlining the gig :D

I cant miss this... its gonna be insane... Dunno where im gonna stay...

I will visit Dehradoon as well..Thats the place where i grew up :)
Not really dude, My board exams are on now... not really getting time...
Im getting the 2700k CLFs tomorrow morning... :)
12/12 from the day after, after 24 hours of dark... actually, if i can get everything done in 12 hours, i'll switch 12/12 directly after 12 dark :)

As of the timers, Im getting em next week... Cash issues :|

I dunno abt the MH light now, i wont get it i thnk... i like it stealthy and Cool... and im not gonna but all those cool tubes and ballasts :|
Too complicated and hot imo... I wanna gain more experience...

Im gonna have a Farmhouse for growing in june... definitely im gonna go for 250 HID... Ordering some seeds online i think... deciding the strains :)

Okay, about the clones... How are u taking the clones?.. Did u find rockwool cubes anywhere?.. or are u going for soil?..
What cloning solution are u using?.. Have u seen rooting as of yet??...

Man, i have killed like 5 clones in soil maybe... i suk at taking clones :|
cloning in soil... my 1st weed clones but i tested with a lot of random plants already an have had 100% rooting....
using soil an rootx... power form....
just took the cuttings yesterday... will keep u informed....
best of luck with the boards... i remember how it sucked an how muck i smoked during that time....
ever tried kashmiri garda??? thats what helped me pass science...
p.s. what concert????????
cloning in soil... my 1st weed clones but i tested with a lot of random plants already an have had 100% rooting....
using soil an rootx... power form....
just took the cuttings yesterday... will keep u informed....
best of luck with the boards... i remember how it sucked an how muck i smoked during that time....
ever tried kashmiri garda??? thats what helped me pass science...
p.s. what concert????????

Its a Metal Concert and Keep of Kalissen and Textures are bands.

I play for a Band myself.. :P

here.... Lisn to Spiked Crib here...

Though i had to quit cos of boards... im still playing till we find a stable Bassey :)
Haa haa thanks for ur wishes btw...
I just managed to pass in my Pre-boards...

and, My attendance is fucking 3 % ....hahahaha

What is Kashmiri Garda?

I smoked Kashmiri Stuff if thats what it means :)
yep... its not charas and not ganja... smthin in the middle.... its rock hard... but when u heat it it becomes power...
damn stony....
metal...huh... not really my scene....
i like my psy...
yep... its not charas and not ganja... smthin in the middle.... its rock hard... but when u heat it it becomes power...
damn stony....
metal...huh... not really my scene....
i like my psy...

Im working on a Psy trance project myself... after my boards im gonna be out with 3-4 Psy trance tracks :p

Are u talkin about the Dark brown Charas ka goli?
I love charas man... i get dead stoned but im way too energetic and headdy stoned... I can get stoned on 2-3 chillums of charas and work all day... :D

Ganja is damn sleep inducing... so i quit smoking up for like 2-3 months of my boards :|
i havnt smoked ganja in a few years.... charas all the way....
ill make u boom smthing yummy an mouth watering...
also hardly ever smoke joints... only with my girl friend.... chillum is the way
i havnt smoked ganja in a few years.... charas all the way....
ill make u boom smthing yummy an mouth watering...
also hardly ever smoke joints... only with my girl friend.... chillum is the way

Same here dude, i think joints make me sober :p

After shooting like innumerous chillums, i smoke one joint to equilize the trip and be able to walk straight. :p
But i think joints are kool :)

I just ordered 6X27 watt 2700Ks.. will be getting it in one hour.. :)
Im getting another exhaust fan.... cos its almost summer, and it gets HOT, here in India.
I got Some ferts and nutes... i dunno which ones are they... i was told to put 1 tbspoon every alternate day, after watering.

I got Foam to seal my cab...that ensures me no light leak.

I just remembered i forgot to get yeast :|

Anyways, i have a sad news as well....

I am OUT of cash.. And i cant get a timer till another 15-20 days.
So, i thnk i have to train a monkey or something to turn off the lights or something :D

So yes, today is the Official day of flowering. Im loving it :) :)
Cant wait to see those buds :)