Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow


Well-Known Member
no no dont stop im here i was just reading someones thread all the way like i did urs
im going to send a pic right now
i would of said lack of watering to
cuase i know u dont water alot


Well-Known Member
im not flowering im still vegging tomarrow it wiill be 1 week old
and i was saying between the stem and nodes theres things growing out of them now ill try to get a good pic of that and send too
so what ya think?



Well-Known Member
im not flowering im still vegging tomarrow it wiill be 1 week old
and i was saying between the stem and nodes theres things growing out of them now ill try to get a good pic of that and send too
so what ya think?

Nice dude, real nice and green...

What strain is it?.. what lighting u using??..


Well-Known Member
im useing cfl's 4 of the equavalent to 100w each 6500k daylight blue spec
they side ways too to get more light im not useing the tip of the bulbs
and the strain is some mids crap or some arizona which is like mids or a little better
im going to send some pics i just took of it i just rained it a little more and theres some pics of the growth i was talking about hold on uploading now


Well-Known Member
Hmm... okay, good man, Vegg it for another month or soo... is it an Indica or Sativa??..

Where u ordered seed from??...

The growth u talking about is nothing but the branches b/w the main stem and the leaf branch... all of this will become a bud site... growth of those "Bud sites" is very important... :)


Well-Known Member
Okay, 100 equivalent watts is what??.. 23 actual watts?.. never see the equivalent wattage of CFLs... the Actual Wattage counts :)


Active Member
Hey carcass, the ladies are doing good! Looks like you did a fine job with the LST and topping. Yes 23 watts is equivalent to 100 watts of incandescent lighting.


Active Member
carcass91, good luck to you man, my apt is so fukin small i have only 1 little closet,I like youre injinuity,smoooooooth! 1/10 tycoon777


Well-Known Member
ok here r some pics i just took
i dont know what kind it is
pics r where i have it
and i did that training to them and now they look like this



Well-Known Member
Hey carcass, the ladies are doing good! Looks like you did a fine job with the LST and topping. Yes 23 watts is equivalent to 100 watts of incandescent lighting.

I did a good job??.. really?? :) :)
Man, i have been waiting to hear this since i dunno when ... :p Thanks man :)


Well-Known Member
well when i say good job or coming out great i mean everything in general
i read ur hole thread and am still here
reading /lerning everything
ow ya so what ya think?


Well-Known Member
ok here r some pics i just took
i dont know what kind it is
pics r where i have it
and i did that training to them and now they look like this

Pics are nice man... but What training did u do??

If u mean LST, u have to wait till the plant gets atleast 4 " in height or the roots will collapse, it'll fucking die..... be careful.. always ask ppl in RIU before u do anything, then research on it...for like a week... when u think u have full-on knowledge abt it, do it!!.. thats what i do.. :)
Good luck


Well-Known Member
no i dont mean that lst
i mean i "c" train it where i massage jentaly moving and lifting up the leaves to try to get them to stay up and not look like thy are drooping.
i think they are droop like so cuase i transplanted them the other day cuase old pot was too small


Well-Known Member
carcass91, good luck to you man, my apt is so fukin small i have only 1 little closet,I like youre injinuity,smoooooooth! 1/10 tycoon777

Haa haa.. dude my ingenuity is a result of an Indian Teenager looking for GOOD dope.. :) :)

Stay tuned man, i've got more to come, Changes and updates are constant in my life and growing weed :p..

Fuck, im soo baked now... and its 8 in the morning already..did i sleep?.. NO!!!
And i have a fucking gig in like 12 hours :| Have to leave in like an hour... and here i am Fucking stoned and sleepy :|
Why am i even writing this crap here?? :|


Well-Known Member
ow and im not going to LST this one i might do it the next one
and the one after that im going to go staright into flowering when it sprouts just to do it and see where it takes me


Well-Known Member
no i dont mean that lst
i mean i "c" train it where i massage jentaly moving and lifting up the leaves to try to get them to stay up and not look like thy are drooping.
i think they are droop like so cuase i transplanted them the other day cuase old pot was too small
Dude, i havnt heard of the training where u massage the leaves... im a nuub :(

I dunno, imo... let the plant be strong enuf for any find of training...

:bigjoint::bigjoint: There goes a Biiiig fucking joint :p


Well-Known Member
Im not gonna stop posting man... dont worry, i just became a bit Emo back then when i said it :p

Update: 3 joints down and im Stoned... This OG kush i got is Insanity man... i cant move, i dnt know what im typing either :p

Hey cloudy, tell me... what is the best Weed u smoked?