Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow


Well-Known Member
:) Okay, first of all, thanks a hell lot to all who replied and went through my posts... Also, thanks for all ur encouraging comments and real good suggestions... :)

Hey, Budy.. hw r u doing? :)
"carcass...They have that fat and lettucy kine leafs, this is how all the Indica look that I have growing now......just a few weeks ahead of you. I'll bet some Indica for sure, should be good"

Man, i'll tell u, i live in India... and weed here is real good quality.. I picked the seeds up from a good smoke... This weed has its local name as Shilavati , grown in the Himalayas next to river banks.... and, this weed is like prehistoric.. :|
So, i was guessing it was an Indica... :)

One more thing, i dont have any idea where i'll get perlite... cos i dnt think ppl here have even heard abt it..... i know i know.. its primitive and i just didnt get perlite here... have any ideas where i'll get it? :|
I didnt get it in the Best Nursery of the city.. some place else?

Thanks all for helping :)


Well-Known Member
Okay, the topping topic in outdoor growing helped me a lot :)

I think i'll wait for another week or so till i hav six nodes and then top..

Do u guys have any topping videos on u?

Celtic Vixen

Active Member
Hi Carcass,

Perlite is so lightweight that the shipping costs shouldn't be too bad. I bet there's an online source. India is about half way between Australia and Europe...maybe there's a source out there for you.

Celtic Vixen


Well-Known Member
Man, i'll get perlite if i search properly...

temme where exactly can i find perlite.. i mean, do i get it in a hardware store?.. does it have any other use than gardening?


Active Member
Hey Carcass! The grow is looking good! I cant wait to see these things throw buds! The seeds you got would be awesome to grow! Some of the finest cannabis that your ancestors probably smoked hundreds years before these stupid laws were put into place. It's nice that you're keeping this piece of history alive in your own way!

Anyways, good luck on the grow, I'm subscribed :D


Well-Known Member
Hey Carcass! The grow is looking good! I cant wait to see these things throw buds! The seeds you got would be awesome to grow! Some of the finest cannabis that your ancestors probably smoked hundreds years before these stupid laws were put into place. It's nice that you're keeping this piece of history alive in your own way!

Anyways, good luck on the grow, I'm subscribed :D

hehe, even i cant wait till these babies grow into buds.. :)

Thanks for subscribing man.. :)

Kush Over

Active Member

Im using some local soil mixed with animal manure...
I'll get perlite when i transplant...

Have any idea where i might get dolomite lime?... and how do i add it to the soil?

And, i have the plants a small dosage of N-P-K 19-19-19...

I dunno, i may have to just wait and watch..
Hello, Carcass91.
I have a question.

Was the manure composted properly before it was mixed with the soil? If not then you could have a serious problem. As it was mentioned before it does look like a magnesium deficiency / lock-out, but in the event the manure wasn't composted it could have made the mix too hot.

I hope the problem resolves itself, but if it doesn't you have a helping hand -- so to speak.

:leaf:Grow on.:leaf:

Kush Over

Active Member

Hello, Carcass91.
I have a question.

Was the manure composted properly before it was mixed with the soil? If not then you could have a serious problem. As it was mentioned before it does look like a magnesium deficiency / lock-out, but in the event the manure wasn't composted it could have made the mix too hot.

I hope the problem resolves itself, but if it doesn't you have a helping hand -- so to speak.

..And that's what happens when you're stoned and don't check for the number of pages preceding the one you thought you were typing on.

LoL. Sorry. Good job with the plants and I'm glad nothing happened.

:leaf:Grow on.:leaf:


Well-Known Member

Hello, Carcass91.
I have a question.

Was the manure composted properly before it was mixed with the soil? If not then you could have a serious problem. As it was mentioned before it does look like a magnesium deficiency / lock-out, but in the event the manure wasn't composted it could have made the mix too hot.

I hope the problem resolves itself, but if it doesn't you have a helping hand -- so to speak.

:leaf:Grow on.:leaf:

Okay, i see other of the bottom leaves yellow as well, not only of that very plant but other plants as well... Soo, i mixed the soil with some "Gro-wel" Animal manure i dunno if it was composted or not.... Im glad i have a helping hand :D


Well-Known Member
But yeah... the plants look very healthy man, just the bottom leaves are yellowing and falling... :|
Otherwise the plant is totally green...
Pics tomoro whn i get cam back


Well-Known Member
I'm not expert but the bottom leaves may not be getting enough light because the top leaves are blocking and absorbing all the light from the CFL's and that's why their turning yellow... but that's just my 2 cents :dunce:

Kush Over

Active Member
Hello again.
Looking forward to seeing those pictures; I'd like to make a few suggestions regarding your setup that may help with light efficiency. While it may be somewhat off-topic in regards to the condition of your plants, it would help with space in that cabinet as well distribute the full luminary potential of your CFLs.

Enclosed in this post is a crude picture.

The top box titled "A." is as close to representing the one you displayed of your cabinet. Obviously yours contains more lights in varying depths from the front of the cabinet to the back, but the concept remains. However, due to the fact the lights are positioned vertically above the plants -- as shown in "A." -- they aren't receiving the full potential efficiency those CFLs contain.

The box below "A." entitled "B." is as close to representing what you want to aim for. The lights are positioned on the back of the wall of the cabinet space allowing for a broader coverage of the bulbs length over the growth. The inside of the cabinet is white, so I'll assume as is the ceiling of it as well. This will also help to reflect more light back down to the plants below.

As is, many of the photons from the bulbs are stray, left to reflect off of the walls of the space. While the light does eventually reach the plant, it's dramatically weakened. That is; as the distance from these lumens increases as does an exponentially greater decrease in the lumens the plants receive over the surface of the foliage.

Changing the position of the lights will help the plants in the long run as well save you space for super bushy plants which will, as well, benefit from light coverage.

In regards to the plant's health all I can say is try a major flush; flush each container with four times the volume of the container to leech some of the salts out. I personally wouldn't have went straight for the nutes, but that's me. I always go for the flush first.

As for the manure you posted; I couldn't find any information on the internet about it -- maybe give us a few shots of the bag if you can? You need to make sure that stuff is well composted, which I suspect it is.

Also, they look very sativa to me. Maybe -- quite possibly -- a hybrid of both sativa and indica with dominant sativa phenotypes showing [ i.e. thin leaves ].

The plants should be fine and I have no doubt they're in good hands.

:leaf:Grow on.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
^^ Hey!!... Thanks a hell lot for the help man....

Okay, temme are u sure abt my plants being a sativa??... Cos i doubt :P.... dunno, maybe i'll let it grow a lil like to 9 inches before i flower them... and yeah, i'll try and change the light setup... :)

Thanks man :)


Well-Known Member
I'm not expert but the bottom leaves may not be getting enough light because the top leaves are blocking and absorbing all the light from the CFL's and that's why their turning yellow... but that's just my 2 cents :dunce:
Hey Swag, hw have u been doing? :P

I thnk u are dead right... i dunno why i didnt thnk abt this earlier :P

I'll try and change my light setup, bt its a real pin in the butt for me... :|

Kush Over

Active Member
^^ Hey!!... Thanks a hell lot for the help man....

Okay, temme are u sure abt my plants being a sativa??... Cos i doubt :P.... dunno, maybe i'll let it grow a lil like to 9 inches before i flower them... and yeah, i'll try and change the light setup... :)

Thanks man :)
Now that you mention it -- I'm not too sure myself. You say you got the seeds in India, yes? Well, in any event I usually look at the leaves: color and shape. They do look indica under close scrutiny, though -- that much I'll admit.

I pulled these off a website a while back and just now thought about using them. Maybe you can make your own judgment? First one's a perfect example of indica leaves while the second is unequivocally sativa.

Ahaha. You might have more females than you bargained for. In the event that happens I'd flower some at around that time -- 9 inches or so -- and let others grow out a little more. Do whatever you feel comfortable with but don't disregard the vertical space you have in the flowering area -- even those little guys bulk up when you flower them. I'd try some LST. You know, maybe tie them down a little just before you plan on flowering them so as to control some of the vertical climb. It helps -- I've done it.

Take it easy and remember..

:leaf:Grow on.:leaf:

