cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow


Thanks for the tip. I should have picked one up today when I was at the grow shop :/
What strain is that? Your leaves look so broad compared to mine.

I got FF big bloom and tiger bloom. The lady at the store also gave me Humboldt County's Own Snow Storm Ultra for free.
I am going to start nutes at 1/8 strength next watering

Some of my leaves are slowly turning yellow and dying.


Well-Known Member
The strain is Mango.

As for the yellowing leaves that occurs naturally during the flowering process. If more and more leaves continue turning yellow and dying, you may need to add some more nutes (most likely N).


12/12 Day: 21

I used all three of the nutes a couple days ago at 1/8th strength and the plant seems to be loving it.



Well-Known Member
She's looking good. You can probably stand to use a bit higher strength. The directions on the bottle usually assume you feed with every other watering.


12/12 Day: 24

Doh! I just realized that I was using teaspoons instead of tablespoons for one of the nutes. Anyhow, I increased the concentration of the nutes and everything is still looking good.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good. You managed to keep her nice and bushy, so it looks like you're gonna get rewarded with some fat, dense nugs.


yeah, i hope so :)
after looking at other peoples grows I am really surprised at how incredibly compact this is, especially compared to my first grow. I can't even see the main stalk


12/12 Day: 30

The plant is looking great. It seems to be wilting less in between watering ever since I started the nutes.



Active Member
I feel like my plant has gotten big enough to start some LST. My container is kind of flimsy and I didn't have and twine so I used a filmmaker's best friend, gaffer's tape. I folded the tape over itself then stuck it on the sides of my container.

Day 21:View attachment 1452911View attachment 1452912View attachment 1452910View attachment 1452913
Even though this post is a month old thats a brilliant idea... I do stage production and i have tons of gaffer's tape lying around. +rep


I would like to make a note that this plant does not smell whatsoever! I know that I bought blue mystic because it is low odor but this plant barely stinks at all. I currently do not have any ventilation other than passive air and can't smell anything until I put my nose up to it.

I really hope that this thing starts maturing quickly. I am going to have to cut it down early because I am leaving town for the spring :(


12/12 Day: 42

What is the bear minimum time I should leave myself to dry the bud and have it safe for me to leave in a sealed jar all summer? I was thinking of (unfortunately) chopping it down in 5 days leaving me almost 2 weeks to dry.



Well-Known Member
If you have 5 days + 2 weeks to dry, wait 12 days and dry one week instead, that plant needs as much time as you can give it, and one week drying is plenty of time, even if you have to help it out towards the end. Tragic to have to chop so early, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.