Cardboard Grow box/lowryder

So I love to garden and smoke. Since I live in apartments with parents I must grow stealthy. I will be growing at the top of my closet where its hard to see. I have a max height of 16 in. I have the perfect box to put there. Which is 16high and 12 in wide. I will buy 10 lowryder seeds. I will grow one at a time with 100 wtts of cfl's im going to put intake holes at the bottom with a 4 in exhaust fan from walmart. I will paint the box inside and out with semi gloss white fire protective paint. I got many negative responses and many good responses to my other thread which now that I realize my idea was dumb. I think this one will work. I am going to have seed starter and a perlite mix for soil. A small 4in container(keeping the plant small as possible for personal use only) with good drainage. I will post pics up of my progress soon as possible. Send all the negative remarks my way they only make me work harder thanks !!!
Its going to be mad tedious growing one plant at a time in a small box in your closet.
Its all good. I am confident it will work. I have the patience for it too so i should be straight. I have a cool white 42wtt cfl which will be on top and then 4 14 wtt will be on the sides. I will have a carbon filter on the exhaust fan !!


Active Member
What about turning the box the other way so you have more height. Stick it in the back of the closet, if done stealth you should be fine.

Other hand, parents finding that means you may have to move out.
what about turning the box the other way so you have more height. Stick it in the back of the closet, if done stealth you should be fine.

Other hand, parents finding that means you may have to move out.
i am sure they wont find it i turned the box upright making it taller 16 or 17 inches tall and ive found some methods of keeping lowryders extra short. It 16 and half inches tall and 12 inches on each side (width) ill post pics soon to show you


Well-Known Member
splitter go to lowes or home depot...carbon go to a pet store or aquarium shop...even try walmart back wehre they have the fish..but pet store will have them


Well-Known Member
dude.. get the feminized lowrider seeds or else you might have a male plant growing... and if u do get a male plant growing keep the polen off him so u can make ur female produce seeds.... check out my lowrider grow bro


Well-Known Member
yeh i plan on gettin some lowryder seeds and keep one male and one female for seeds..and keep those seeds to cross with future i can make any strain auto flowering...!!