I have only 8 plants, but every single time I hear a door close outside or someone coming up to my houses door, I can't think of anything but "it's finally happening" because I can't help but feel 100% positive at some point they are going to raid my house. Even with everything legal and such, I'm still convinced that It is only a matter of them before they do it and at the very least they are going to ruin my day and maybe even my plants
no worries,jankedyjoe
It's just PTSD from the old Drug War days. It'll pass.
Just stay away from that terrorist ganja.
I would love to not feel this way, but it's hard to believe the cops here wouldn't ruin your day, or just everything. What if they come in, and fishing for stuff, they decided to look into my internet usage and find out we have downloaded music?
you'll be fine as long as you're not dl'g torrents.
......although, you might want to check with guy incognito to make sure there aren't any constitutional issues.
There are already threads concerning what you should do in that situation, and how to deal with police in general. You clearly have not read them and do not fully understand your rights. I will continue to post this information in threads where applicable. Just because YOU are an idiot and won't heed good advice doesn't mean others won't.
yeah....could care less about your opinion, you didn't even start this thread.
I am sure you don't know the first thing about constitutional rights.
You aren't giving any advice about how to apply or exercise your constitutional rights, only that they somehow apply in this situation
why don't you explain how they even apply instead of just continuing to repeat yourself ?
btw....which advice are you talking about heeding....
where you regurgitated what you originally said the first time, second time, third time, etc.
constitutional rights....
....if I wanted to I would've exercised em, n00b.
all you do is insult people by calling them idiot & fool and regurgitate the same info about constitutional rights, no relevant points, only insults like a small child.
try taking more than a sec to post.
as the equation stands:
my friend's door is intact + no probs with LEO = your opinion + invalid
I would just tell you to STFU, but with stalker/trolls, like yourself, it seems to just put more fire in their posts like they are really saying something.
They need to start a thread about how to deal with people like yourself on here,....
much more helpful
My mistake referring to you as a cop, it was the other poster. It is still irrelevant to the fact that you should not have let them in.
yeah, you're someone who I am going to trust with expert advice about anything.
You can't even figure out who is posting what in a thread.
so eager to get your
relevant expert opinion out there in cyberspace. kiss-ass
to find more people like yourself try:
Iliketopretend dot com
IwanttobealawyerwhenIgrowup dot com