caregiver change


Well-Known Member
worst idea ever! you should definately not walk up in a caregiver's house saying I want my plants expecting to walk out with plants. that's crazy! When I was a caregiver (patients SUCK!) I only had 13-15 plants for all 5 people. if one assbag showed up saying I want my mommys plants they'd meet hellfire and an ass-kicking because all 12 would be mine and the others would be one of the other patients that are not her. point is she owns no plants dude so don't try and go get them for a jumpstart and if you balls-up and do try that I'd come at him/her real humble and with low-ass expectations. "just sayin'"
I think he was joking.
If not a patient can make you a caregiver and the day before harvest, be like. Hey Ya, I was wanting my 12 plants. lmao.
...they were joking.


Active Member
lol thats messed up still whole crop a day before harvest id fuck that patient up just sayin thats just tottaly wrong but funny

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
sorry, jumped the gun there LOL you found my secret button! sends me into a tizzy, appologize. Some dudes wouldn't have been joking and them cats set me off.....obviously HA.


Well-Known Member
sorry, jumped the gun there LOL you found my secret button! sends me into a tizzy, appologize. Some dudes wouldn't have been joking and them cats set me off.....obviously HA.
Yeah, I don't think the dude that said that was joking .... and I agree with you. There is no way a patient would boot me as caregiver and expect to come in to MY house and walk out with MY plants where I purchased the seeds, grew them out, sexed them, and pheno hunted for months on end!