Carport GreenHouse 2011

I feel the need to chime in on this...DJJ - That dry ice hash kicks ass! Thanks for the gift man. I twisted one up with a nice healthy sprinkling and it was mmmmmmm good. So good that it took me 4 sessions to finish it! I so can't wait to make some.
Thanks fumble, I hoped you'ed like like it, it was my first time making it.
I'm sure yours will turn out every bit as good! Because the meds you gave me are AAA+, their trim should make outstanding hash!

Hey Hops, the #100 worked great. We stopped shaking early because & want pure keif & I have a lot of trim also.

I want to keep my set of bags, so I'm going to buy some #110 mesh from a local silk screen supply store.

This worked so good!


O.K., JJ.
Did my first dry ice runs. I did 2 runs and moved left to right slowly while shaking, watching for color change. I used my 190 bag, worked well.
Started with 12 oz of fluffy bud and trim and even some straight up leaves in there, my least appealing trim of the season.
Got a total of 58g of kief; 36g of gold and 22g of a "sage/gold". Not bad, I think that's about 6.5:1 return overall and a 10:1 of the beautiful stuff.
The whole process, including the clean up was about 40 minutes and 8.00 worth of dry ice.
This stuff is too strong for me though. Won't be medicating with it again, bud is fine.
1 word of caution for first timers with dry ice...if you are asthmatic WEAR A MASK. I haven't had a bout of asthma like that in years, took over an hour to mellow out.
Vended most of the first batch to my local club but they don't want to offer a lot in the way of donation. I'll figure something out.

Great job Hops. Yeah this stuff put me down the first time too!
I just dust buds with it

That was one idea I had for it; 'Dusted buds'
Dust 1 or 2 lbs with it & see what the club offers you for that!

Great job Hops. Yeah this stuff put me down the first time too!
I just dust buds with it

That was one idea I had for it; 'Dusted buds'
Dust 1 or 2 lbs with it & see what the club offers you for that!


Now that's a hell of an idea, you could even use the sage colored portion for such a thing. BTW, I looked at both through a 30x and the gold is like, 90% trichomes which is what you would hope for. The sagey stuff ain't bad either, it looks to be 60% resin, which would still bury me.

Thanks Hops, that's good to know about the asthma. Will def have to mask up before I try this.
And DJJ, I think you are onto something with the dusting...I saw an add I think in SN&R for one of the clubs that had 'moon rock.' It looked like nugs coated in kief.
I mean, if they aren't gonna pay anything for keif, might as well make your other buds unique & more appealing.:roll:

P.S. Speaking of buds, I'm still not finished trimming. I have already 'vended' a couple of the early strains, but there's about 2lbs in each turkey bag & about 2lbs in each tub, left.bongsmilie


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Doublejj, Vdog
So I got the 110 silk screen on order. It should be here in few days. My question about the process is how long should I shake the dry ice/trim so it won't get all messed up. I will use 5gallon bucket with the lid cut to fit the 110 screen and then I will put 1lb. of dry ice and about 8oz. of trim in it. Is this the correct ratio? How hard should I shake it (the bucket lol)?
DJJ, Your grow is awesome!

When it stops coming out naturally with gentle agitation or "shaking" then you need to stop, the color blonde is perfect, and that should be your guide. However, If you use more dry ice than vegetation trim, you can literally smash and grind all of the shake thru the 110 micron screen, so stop the shaking action when the kief stops coming thru the screen onto the table easily. Anything after that point is just plant material and it will turn your kief a green color the longer you force shake it thru, making for nasty unpure hash. What Im saying is that there is no magic number of trim to ice ratio. Most of the guys on youtube are at 2 pounds of dry ice to half of a 5 gal bucket of trim.

This is what I noticed in my hash runs....... to little ice and you may have a hard time "snap" or rapid freezing the trim, but too much dry ice will act as little hammers and pound the trim thru the screen. A rule of thumb but not concrete details is that if you stay around 2 ponds of dry ice broken into golf ball size chunks to a half of a home depot bucket full of trim and you will be fine. Look on youtube for dry ice hash extraction to learn some more. Like growing, your hash making skill will come with experience. By the third shake night or after making about 2 zips of 110 micron hash, I had it down to what I like to end up with, blonde, smelly, and strong hash because thats really whats it is all about.

You will learn quick, dont worry, have fun, and do get a pollen press of some kind. Im using a homemade cylinder press and pucks now, but was using an old wheel brake cylinder from a plymouth duster.... no kidding. If its ok with double, I will post pics of it.

Trust me.... you can over shake the trimmings, so just take it easy and shake until it starts to slow down on what is coming out of the bucket, at that point you are digressing and will dilute the potentcy. Remember, you want blonde and not green hash!
Look at those buds! I just saw them came out fantastic I was afraid it might all be gone by now! haha and yea the keif i love just sprinkling it on the bowls haha! All out sucks!
Thank you for the info. Got the silk screen yesterday, today will get the bucket, ice, and see what mess I can get myself in....
Thank you for the recognition here in double's awesome journal. Ironically enough, I am shaking up 2 pounds (dry) of popcorn with no stems tonight. Thats something else I forgot to mention, be sure to remove all sticks, as frozen branches can poke right thru your silk screen, causing the screen itself and your batch to be garbage. A hole in the screen lets vegetation thru (very bad), and this is experience friends. Anyways, I will take pics of my wheel cylinder press and my homemade press dye tonight, and post them tommorrow some time.


Ok, here is what happenend last night, we did 5 shakes in total, and each shake was 110 grams dry with no stems, popcorn and leaf trimmings for a total of 550 grams dry. Each 110 gram dry run had about 2 pounds of ice in it at golf ball size. The bucket was less than a quarter way full. We ended up with 90 grams of really blonde kief. About a 6 to 1 ratio. Anyways, the wheel brake cylider and the other presses above.
I mean, if they aren't gonna pay anything for keif, might as well make your other buds unique & more appealing.:roll:

P.S. Speaking of buds, I'm still not finished trimming. I have already 'vended' a couple of the early strains, but there's about 2lbs in each turkey bag & about 2lbs in each tub, left.bongsmilie

doublejj!!!!!! :)

Just wanted to give MAD PROPS for your amazing grow here!! :D HAve read it all the way through and am both impressed and inspired!

I am sorta close to you up in the Sierra foothills, and am planning a big greenhouse grow next year. Gonna build a greenhouse, prob from a kit. Or maybe w the Solexx panels (thanks for that tip!) :)

Thanks for all the awesome info here and and for keeping an excellent journal for peeps!!! Keep rockin it, yo!!! :D :)
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This is no carport. But thought I would post to to show how well it's holding up. we have had 40 mph winds with gusts around 70 mph. this is day two of high wind. 22x10 hoop style green house about 700.00 to build.
Thank you fumble, same to you. I have so much to be thankful for this year!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, be thankful for everything you have
