Carport GreenHouse 2011

I've brought up some fortifications in case I have a fight with the Taliban.

This is to help keep the vital infastructure systems working during combat!



JJ, what is the plant on your right?
Jeeze, that looks faaat!

"BUDS TEH SIZE OF YOUR ARMS." i dont care about AN products, but i LOVE that advertisement. you standing beside that CPPP... buds the size of your big arms... dreams of mines....

JJ on a side note, im wondering what strains you know of that have a 42 day (6 week) Flowering time, and preferably start floweing under 15~ hours of light? im going to have to ask hodge the same thing. i've been sitting here for like a week looking over strains and have found only 2 so far, Kish and Medi.

its not even harvest yet, and im getting ready for next summer..... im starting to realize just how far in the future you have to plan to be truly successful.
Yeah that Medi would shave a cycle off a perpertual for sure... not to mention it looks beautiful :) as does your CPPP! would someone please put me on the seed/clone list... haha

any smoke test yet on the Medi doublejj? and when you say worms, are you talking caterpillars or something of the like? thanks

Amazing plants friend.

Do you get any yellow leafs? Lots or few?

I also camp out with my plants. Sometimes it's just the only way. What hate most is sleeping with my shoes on until day break. Well not to mention the little old lady. Hate rippers....

This pic tells my story in one pic. Apartment above my neighbors garage that is rented out. No hiding anything :) You know as good as I do that they have told everyone they know about 30 foot plus plants growing next door. :)

If this does not make you laugh nothing will. Look at the pic good. They have zero view. The only view they have is roof tops. But then theres my yard. LOL. I can tell you that when they tell people about my grow. They are also telling them that I canp out there. I make dam sure they know I am out there. The renters are two male hispanics about 35. I can say they turned of the sucurity lights without me having to ask. Hmmmm, I give them about a 1/4 of my veggie garden trying to stay on the good side you can say.

Rest of my neigbors have been my neighbors for 30 to 40 years now. That helps.

Think your right with the high nitrogen, last year my good friend Nuggs used some super hot turkey poop in his soil mixture, buds never tightened up like they should of. Why I cut back all High Nitrogen nutes when the girls start to flower, 3-20-20 is what they get and always use poop that's been cured out first.
Dang, heard Spare Time growers supply is out of Max-Sea 3-20-20, should have bought

yea I think so too Hodge, but I think that horse poop was way high in everything. The plants that were in the HP at first I pulled out and replanted and they stayed cupped up the whole time but when they finally flowered they did it good and fat and hard, not stretchy or loose. The ones in the ground here semm to be doing the same thing, starting late , but tightening right up once they start, As a matter of fact, the Cateract Kush I have here is twisted and cupped upo real bad, but the buds are fat knarly lookin' blown up with white hairs really really thick, so I hope they turn out ok. I only have 3 or 4 that I'm worried about at this point.
OH YEA, DJJ....That Taliban thingy you got there.......haha......your a trip dude
I've had to go to 3 blocks, trying to stay ahead of these beasts!



The other thing I hope I'm getting across is that anyone can do this. If just a Joe Schmo like me can grow this, anybody can!Everything I use is easlly available at Costco & Home Depot. Just do it!

Thanks for the encouragement DoubleJJ, that's one reason I hang around this thread, because not only can I learn from ya, but your so cool about helping n wanting others to succeed. I don't know if anyone's told you this or not but:Thanks for contributing sooo much to the RIU community man! I know that shit sounds a little corny, but I really mean it! :peace:Doowmd
Thanks for all the kind words, it's just how I am

Yeah 5150, I get yellow leaves during flowering, I've had some real beauties this year! You & FDD were the first ones I saw using carports, I want to thank you again for your inspiration my friend

Thanks for all the kind words, it's just how I am

Yeah 5150, I get yellow leaves during flowering, I've had some real beauties this year! You & FDD were the first ones I saw using carports, I want to thank you again for your inspiration my friend

Holly crap man!
That one finger is as wide as your wrist.....Joe Schmo?......yea right.
Do u feed nutrients or just water ??
Super soil??
Also if outdoor when does one flush. If a plant is indica or sativa??
Thanks for all the kind words, it's just how I am

Yeah 5150, I get yellow leaves during flowering, I've had some real beauties this year! You & FDD were the first ones I saw using carports, I want to thank you again for your inspiration my friend

Is that the OG Kush? Don't think the medi will produce many, if any seeds, lots of rot. On a good note my friend Nuggs pollenated 3 branches of his medi and said I could have one to help keep up with my promise to get some of these to fellow growers. Thanks Nuggs your a good friend.
That's a bummer Hodge....
How bad is the rest of the plant?
Just the Medi that's being attacked?
Hope things get better for you.