Carport GreenHouse 2011

Yes, very 'cat pissy'! How did you know? Have you grown PPP before? Is that how it smells?
This is my first time. It's been crossed with an old Humboldt Kush strain called Crooked Prairie. My other plants might have bigger leaves or stalks, this one has the biggest buds!

Night shots, you can see how phat the buds have gotten. I can't get both hands around them!

She's about 10' tall





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Damn those are massive buds! I don't really enjoy the small of cat piss, however :-|. Is it gross smelling or does it still smell appealing?
It's the weirdest sweet cat piss smell.

I actually looked around the smart pot for a cat pile when I first smelled it. Then realized it was the plant! lol!

Just to tell you how sweet of a smell it is. My wife is not a 'cat person' & we don't own any cats. But it's her favorite, she want's to keep it all!

Good god look at those!!! Going to take you and a lumber jack to bring that baby down and chop her up! Stunning!
Yes sir I was an avid Pure Power Plant and Purple Plant grower. LOVE THE STRAIN.

Very cat pissy smell but not a bad cat piss guys lol, more of a dank ass weed with a very recognizable cat smell.

PPP has the best taste out of any marijuana I have ever grown JJ. You will be amazed, You can have a bowl smoked

down to nothing but ash and put flame too it and it still almost tastes like the first hit still.

Just got entirely too big for me lol my last year growing PPP she got about 16 feet tall but a freaking ripper

took her from me before she ever started budding. Lucky for me a buddy of mine gave a buddy of his a clone from a clone I gave him

like 4 years ago and the strain is still growing strong for him. He brings me limbs of it from time to time to share that

wonderful smell and taste.
She should make for an interesting taste, save me a Look what I pulled out of my container, think I should throw a knobbie on her?


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hey doublejj wats up? i see some plants are very close to being done i didnt get to harvest this year tho...i come to my spot and there it is rootball and half the stals ans some leaves yep thieves never hesitate to think twice oh ya did i tell you i came to the plant to chop her? ya it stinks 7th week of flower and i checken on her like 10 hours before at like 1am well i guess th thieves in florida dont sleep....
I want the Busa. Trade ya a few plants even lol
It's not mine, belonged to my brother in law who passed away back in 07, his son got it and pawned it but didn't have the money to get it out of pawn. I loaned him the amount and extra so he wouldn't loose it, been 2 and a half years and still I wait... It's a 05 with 3500 miles on her, wish I was younger..
Were it mine? the moter would be in a single seat sand
I think Molly chased off another ripper last night! But I didn't see anybody this time.

About 3:00am she barks once at the side neighbors fence. The opposite side to where the greenhouse is. That house is now vacant & up for sale. I went outside & listened & never heard anything. But Molly don't bark at 'nothing', and 3:00am it ain't the meter reader!

Sounds like everybody has trouble with rippers!:cry:

Hodge, I'll give you 1/2 the plant brother. I'd say all of it but I'd have to fight my wife for her 1/2! lol!

That Busa was my Shelby's worst nightmare!lol!

P.S. I have a clone from this CPPP!;-)
I currently own 2 Yamaha Motocross race bikes.
2011 YZ450F & 2010YZ250F, & race them on the pro MX circuit!:shock:

Oh I don't ride! I have a grandson for that!;-)

I don't get to all of his races but I keep up & attend as often as I can. I love to race!



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That's why I suggested we put a knobby on the Busa, lol talk about a rooster tail.
On another note, Here's a pic of the XXX Black, notice the solid purple stalk? Oh and thanks for the offer for half but a bowl will be perfect... Thanks JJ


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Sorry guy's I meant to attach more pictures to the first post, but hit the wrong button after I loaded the first pic, dough!

Here's more "Day at the Races"


Home sweet home, for a week at a time!

The Start:



Life is full of corners, it's all what you do with them:

Getting fueled up between moto's, the glamorous life of a racer!lol!:

Working on bikes between races, you can see the track in the background:

Hole shot!:

Gate choice, guess who won the first Moto!:

If you stay out front, you never get roosted!:

The calm before the storm:

Keep your front end high folks, go get'em!:


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