Carport GreenHouse 2011

They caught him!

Last night about 1:00am Molly starts barking. I get up & soon hear the neighbors dogs (2 doors down) barking wildly! I'm standing on my front porch as a cop car drives slowly down the street (lights off) & stops in front of my house!:shock:

Another cop car pulls up down the block. All of a sudden the same kid Molly chased off a few weeks ago, comes running out of my neighbors drive way right into the cops. As soon as he sees the cop cars he stopped & put his hands up, & layed down.

I think he was trying to get to my back yard thru my neighbors yard. Molly chased him back into their yard where he was hiding. They called the police, & when they saw the cop cars out front, the neighbors went out back & put a flashlight on him. That's why he flushed right into the police waiting arms!

This time, they cuffed him up drove him home!lol!

I don't think the police or neighbors know what he was really after. I will sleep better tonight!

P.S. I got my camera & was going to take pictures but had 2nd thoughts
Thank you for all the kind words.

I actually did have chicken soup for dinner & after a soak in a hot bath & shot of 'el Presidente' brandy, I slept pretty well, considering I can't really afford to "sleep well" right now.

We have one of those nose rinse pots & my wife has been trying to get me to use it. I guess I'll give it a try, thank you.

vdog, that sounds like one hell of a project, I'd love to see pictures.

P.S. No rain yet! knock,knock!
I had a girlfriend years ago that had me use one of those "nose rinse pots" once..... F--K that crap! The damn thing keeps popping up around here too, I seen it last week while rummaging through some boxes. My son asked if it was one of my old "smoking devices", laughed my ass off.
Good luck on the cold jj, that chicken soup is the best thing for you, keep hitting that and some canna jalapeno corn bread, you'll be golden!
Got cold here last night 51.6, I feel the purple coming on!
Good deal! If I or my nlaws find someone in our garden tryin to rip It they gunna get rubber rounds and pepperballs!

They caught him!

Last night about 1:00am Molly starts barking. I get up & hear the neighbors dogs (2 doors down) barking wildly! I'm standing on my front porch as a cop car drives slowly down the street (lights off) & stops in front of my house!:shock:

Another cop car pulls up down the block. All of a sudden the same kid Molly chased off a few weeks ago, comes running out of my neighbors drive way right into the cops. As soon as he sees the cop cars he stopped & put his hands up, & layed down.

I think he was trying to get to my back yard thru my neighbors yard. Molly chased him back into their yard where he was hiding. They called the police, & when they saw the cop cars out front, the neighbors went out back & put a flashlight on him. That's why he flushed right into the police waiting arms!

This time, they cuffed him up drove him home!lol!

I don't think the police or neighbors know what he was really after. I will sleep better tonight!

P.S. I got my camera & was going to take pictures but had 2nd thoughts
WTG Molly!
I'm sure they know your growing, I live on acreage, and I go for a walk every morning, about 3+ miles (1 hour), on my way back home I can smell my plants about a quarter mile away, sometimes further away. I'm sure you got the whole neighborhood reeking like a dozen skunks moved in. Better have your paperwork in order and posted, who knows what the neighbors told the cops. If I had thieves trespassing through my yard trying to rip off something that's as controversial as growing pounds of Mary-Jane is in a residential neighborhood, and if I didn't use MJ, I would be pissed off!
Not sure of your relationship with that neighbor, lets hope he burns and is looking for a bit of a MJ reward! :-)
Easy on that El Presidente Senior!
I know them a little. He's also a retired state employee. I actually smell MJ all over my neighborhood, some of it mine. They have had burglers before, that's why they got 2 dogs.

But I have already gotten my paperwork in order & cleaned-up anything incriminating.

He kind of owes me one. A couple of years ago he set-up a halfass shooting range in his back yard for a new air rifle. His new rifle was so powerful it was shooting thru the backstop & thru my fence & put a couple of dents in my camper. I try to be friendly with all my neighbors (for obvious reasons). So rather than get upset, I grabbed an extra sheet of plywood I had & took it over to him.

After I explained about the dents in my camper, he applolgized and always waves & smiles when he sees me walking Molly.

Right on Molly! I hope you gave her lots of kisses and treats. My princess goes off nightly at the fence. We aren't allowed to have guns *sniiffle, tear* but I've got a baseball bat at every door and by the bed and a lead pipe for the back door. My man wont let me wrap the end of the bats in barbed wire. I'd venture to say that boy got off lucky by running into the sausage before Molly got him.
Haha!!! Goooooo Molly!!!

That is awesome. Your dog rocks. and your neighbors too for calling the cops and (hopefully) not saying anything about your plants. I wonder what the dumb kids explanation was to the cops. "so wait, you're telling me that you were trespassing in an attempt to steal 16ft. marijuana plants??" LOL Too bad you don't know where he lives... you could always pay HIM a visit for a change, give a little door knock, and you know, tell him in a nice way that you are an avid hunter and about all your high-powered guns... and if he ever wants to check them out, to just come back at 2am. XD hope you feel better JJ.

Go Molly way to hurd him girl i hate rippers i had a grower friend in my city wich is hard to come by who use to use the site daily he put out a couple plants tht he had this summer get ripped and ever since then i haven't tlkd to or seen him on hear since.
Well I talked to the neighbor lady that called the cops last night. She was up watching tv & her husband was sleeping, her dogs started barking & she thought is was just another raccoon looking for cat food. She was looking out back & saw something up on the fence & thought it was a raccoon, but when he jumped down she could see it wasn't. She dialed 911 and said she was looking at a person in her back yard. When the 911 operator told her the police were out front, she pointed a flashlight at him and told him the police were on their way!
She never said anything about my greenhouse! ;-)

P.S. I went & bought Molly a cooked turkey breast for dinner. She loves turkey!
good girl molly!!! what would we do without our best friend? i lost my old boy a few months ago, broke my heart. but had 15 yrs with the ornary bastard :) he trained the younger pup now 7, who is training the new pup of 4mo. i couldent imagine life without my best friends...
Fantastic Story JJ, I hope that discourages him for the season. Hopefully discourages him for good, at least from your patch. Who knew a flashlight could be such an effective weapon against rippers. God I would have loved to hear that kids story.
I saw her talking to the police last night with the flashlight in her hand, so I kinda put 2&2 together.

What I didn't know was, she waited until the cops were there to flush him!

We talked to 5 or 6 min, I think she would have 'mentioned' the greenhouse if she didn't like it.

I went & talked to her because I wondered if I had anything to worry about, she never mentioned it, me either! Whew!

oh man hearing this makes me nervous as fuck. i mean my neighbors behind can see it but wont for long cuz we're building the fence. what is wrong with people. growing in a neighborhood like doublejj and i is pretty nerve wracking.
oh man hearing this makes me nervous as fuck. i mean my neighbors behind can see it but wont for long cuz we're building the fence. what is wrong with people. growing in a neighborhood like doublejj and i is pretty nerve wracking.
I grow on acreage, and I see no neighbors from my place and it's nerve racking as well, but I can;t imagine what you guys go through, not for me. I just trust my motion sensors down there at the garden to let me know what's going on. If they go off, I hope it chases them away, whatever it may be,,,,human, animal, big foot, just go away and don't make me shoot you.
Way to go Molly, best ending could have hoped for.
Lost some tops (broken) from last nights storm but overall not too bad. Don't expect to get mold since the sun is out and we have a nice little breeze blowing. Most are close enough to bring in if I def had to, Kush's have lots of white hair still but tricolms are all cloudy and starting to show amber. If we get a week more of clear weather, then there's going to be some very stoney buds coming out of this
Neighbor was talking to my son the other day, says he loves this time of year, the aroma from my garden blows his way (about 1,200 feet to his house) while he was talking to son he was also commenting on this years purple tinted plants. Know he smokes cause he gets it from people I know, think he'll find a suprise on the fence line..