Carport GreenHouse 2011


Active Member
the video was a great experience i must say. especially with the old school music ;)

thank you for sharing such beauties. how long have you got left for veg? even though the space you have is to dream off you might run into some problems, but i see you are already aware of this. there is nothing more to add but speechless repeats of the video :clap: :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Yo you mad man, those girls are space bound!! haha. I justbrought my carport down to the new house and am thinkin' about setting it up in my back yard for a light depo tent, or just a green house for the fall and winter. I'm gonna copy you hero so if I have any questions when I do it I'll hit ya up. I'm not gonna use it for summer outdoor at all, I don't need to, but I think it'll help alot the rest of the year. I have a much better climate to work with here, cause I'm down to about 1800-2000 ft. instead of 3700, so I have a better grow season all the way around.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guy's, they are really liking life in there.

Tomorrow daytime will be 23 seconds shorter!

It's obvious I'm gonna have height issues soon. Things are about to get a little 'testy' around here!:?

The greenhouse could payoff in a big way this week. The weather report is calling for thunder showers & rain tomorrow & wed, w/high winds. This is a serious concern for outdoor plants this time of year. The plants inside the greenhouse won't even know it happened!:clap:



Well-Known Member
Plants would love a little shower, since you have the cages shouldn't have any serious damage.
Don't see those going over 7 foot, add another foot and a half for the bags, should keep you off the ladder. Bet you a fat one that you'll have more issues with being able to move abouth in there than getting too tall.


Well-Known Member
I hope your right Hodge, I could deal with that better.

Your girls should be alright with the rain?



Well-Known Member
Local weather calls for 2 tenths of an inch, not a problem. Like a said earlier, they'll love a little shower.
Spoke with my cousin last night, his girls are going to be monsters, have to get out there and snap a couple pics to show you. He had his local law (Sheriffs) out and he's got 25 plants with 2 scripts, their fine with that. Officer said his were the best he's seen so far this

Wheeler man

Active Member
Beautiful,Beautiful!!!!!!! Even for a garden gnome:-P.LOL!! In all seriousness ,that is one awsome garden double jj....


Well-Known Member
Things are looking nice as always Djj.
Can I be a gnome for a day?

I like the 2nd pic, are you trying to prove that you do work? Previous pics your always sitting with a worker bee close by lol :clap::-P