Carport GreenHouse 2011


Well-Known Member
That first pic is a monster OG Kush I got from Hodgegrown. As soon as she hits the roof, I'll have to start adding concrete blocks! :sad:

I'll keep spraying for a couple more weeks for the mites, to be sure.



everything looks good jj I have read all 50 pages. you have convinced me to get a greenhouse going however I do not have the space you have. Would you recomend building one like yourself only smaller over buying a decent one for 2-300 online and why if so? or is there any that I can buy put together that you have seen work well already? I have seen plenty online for around 200$ that claim to be waterproof and have vetalation but I am kind of hesitant to try them out. My plants are only in 5gl-25gl pots so they are not the size of your plants, my tallest right now is only 6.5ft. Thanks for any info



Well-Known Member
The plants look great JJ. Damn Mites. Found a few holes in a couple of my leaves and sprayed this week as well. Damn bugs like plants to much. I'm def happy to see how big your plants are getting. They're awesome. Enjoying this thread tremendously!!! Keep up the good work.



Well-Known Member
Thanks guy's, it's a joy to share it with you!

3xOG you could easly leave out one set of poles from the carport & make a smaller one. How much space do you have?



Well-Known Member
I just saw the july 1st update. What a hell of a update! And those plants are something to be proud of right there! Looks like veg filled up almost the whole space. Going to have to raise that thing so high! Wont they take up so much more room here in a few weeks and then come time the switch! I cant even imagine what it is going to be like in there a forest!


Well-Known Member
i love the red bandana, lookin like a true norcal resident. all the nortes around our area influencing u i see haha... lookin great tho, makes me not even want to go look at my garden.


I have a whole backyard but there are alot of tree stumps and such to where I can not just set a large greenhouse. I can probably find a nice clean 5x10 area or so though to set one up. I am renting so I cant just take out all the trees. This is how my yard is shaped...


Well-Known Member
Man you couldn't take a walk around my neighborhood with a blue bandana. Not very far anyway! lol!

Between all the Notenos & the Oak Park Bloods, wearing blue ain't safe.

Besides it's all the carry at the local liquor store!



Well-Known Member
3xOG, go check out Treemans grow thread. He built a stubby model, by leaving a couple of poles out. It looks like it might fit in your yard. Take a tape measure & check.



Well-Known Member
Man you couldn't take a walk around my neighborhood with a blue bandana. Not very far anyway! lol!

Between all the Notenos & the Oak Park Bloods, wearing blue ain't safe.

Besides it's all the carry at the local liquor store!

haha aint that the truth... lemme guess the liquor store ur referring to, the bottle shop?


Well-Known Member
3xOG, go check out Treemans grow thread. He built a stubby model, by leaving a couple of poles out. It looks like it might fit in your yard. Take a tape measure & check.

Hello All-
jj, your sh*t is out of control, and looking great!
If I wear a blue bandana in my hood and the neighbor down the road sees me he might say.....weed whacking today? Burning brush? Spraying weeds or bugs? gang issues here unless their's why I'm here, no human drama....ain't that right Hodge?

3xOG I have a "6 pole" set up with my greenhouse (jj's is 8 pole set up) it measures about 10' x 13'. You could use a 4 pole set up and it should measure 10' x 6'.5". I put an ad on Craigs List for a carport frame, and a lady called back. Said she had one that blew over in the wind. She had it totally disassembled in a pile, she sold it to me for $15 because one of the poles was bent, which worked perfect for me, only needing 6 poles not 8.
Good luck on whatever you decide.


Well-Known Member
I have a whole backyard but there are alot of tree stumps and such to where I can not just set a large greenhouse. I can probably find a nice clean 5x10 area or so though to set one up. I am renting so I cant just take out all the trees. This is how my yard is shaped...
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You can use 1/2 inch pvc with rebar anchors, bend the pvc into the area you need then cover with visqueen.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could put a green house up there but it would be too tall and draw too much attention from passer by's ....:-(
I would be pretty stoked if I had a spot like that on my property with that much light. Greenhouses are great, but if you take good care of them outdoor is absolutely incredible. Research your strains, descriptions will tell you which "Outdoor" strains do best under the sun, and which ones do best in a greenhouse. I was researching a few Mr. Nice strains and I think Mandala strains that specifically stated they do great outdoors, but terrible in green house. Those were just a few specific strains, couldn't possibly recall what they are.

But in my back yard I get a spot that only get's light during high sun, I miss out on my best light both morning and night, so you have it set right there. You should consider dressing the outside's of those pots with Panda Film, with the white side facing outward to reflect the heat, your roots must be baking on that roof top! Also elevate your plants about an inch or two off the surface when the roof really starts to heat up, you know, take the pan off the heat.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Man you couldn't take a walk around my neighborhood with a blue bandana. Not very far anyway! lol!

Between all the Notenos & the Oak Park Bloods, wearing blue ain't safe.

Besides it's all the carry at the local liquor store!

indeed. Grew up in a norte town too. wearing blue was always a big mistake. I've still never owned blue clothing. They didn't care if you were really a scrap or not, wearing blue was enough.