Carport GreenHouse 2011


Well-Known Member
I got motion cameras and a nice Louisville Slugger! You can get motion cameras for cheap nowadays and they work wonderfully. As soon as they detect motion they come on and if you have a monitor hooked up to them they pop up on the screen. Super easy to install and you can get them at Costco!!! ;)


Well-Known Member
Awwwwww. Molly is just adorable. You must kiss her snout for me. She definitely deserves pot roast!

As for the 'Taliban", just give me two of those and call me Elektra!


Well-Known Member
JJ, couple years back had kids jumping my back fence, put some strips of plywood down with nails thru it, even when the deputy from local sheriff's office came out and saw it, she winked and made a comment on it. I just stayed mumm about it. Do recall a yelp from that area once or twice....


Well-Known Member
Back in the 60's and 70's in San Jose people would break bottles of glass and put them all along the tops of there fences for the same purposes. On the East Side of Course. Haha


Well-Known Member
Hey Treeman I'll bet "Bigfoot & Mothman" nights were special favorites! Or was it, "Vampire & WereWolf" night?!LOL!
Every time I find a bruise that I can't remember where I got it I tell my wife "The aliens must have dropped me"!

P.S. Tonight's topic is: "Secret Societies"! Oh boy, I can hardly wait!
Do I believe in bigfoot? Yea ..pretty sure my brother married his sister!!


Active Member
Hey tree man, I think it was Art Bell. The guy made a fortune selling supplies for the end of the world millennium computer shutdown and retired. I was working grave shift at a ski resort In Tahoe for the few years leading up to 2000 and could get him on 4 different stations on top of the mountain. Listen to that stuff long enough and you start to drink the coolaid.


Well-Known Member
I got motion cameras and a nice Louisville Slugger! You can get motion cameras for cheap nowadays and they work wonderfully. As soon as they detect motion they come on and if you have a monitor hooked up to them they pop up on the screen. Super easy to install and you can get them at Costco!!! ;)
my personaly favorite is a security set-up that i have been working on for years, it takes a while to train your dogs to the lights ;)

i use motion sensor lights and my favorite trusty companions, my Pups :) i have 3 dogs (american pitbull, british bulldog and american pit/lab cross... all have massive heads, and are properly taken care of...) when the lights go on the dogs take chase. the Bulldog sleeps outside (he refuses to sleep inside, to hot) and is allways first on the scene, he may be small but if he bites your leg your not running far......

i've seen some rippers poop them selves when Hank comes tearing after them (hes the speed, the lab cross). if there in the yard he will jump the fence and chase them untill the end of the street, or untill i call.

I don't condone the use of firearms to protect marijuana, it's much too severe for just a thief.
i know what you mean there JJ. i have a special Chao Ren Chineese Short sword for any of the rippers who think they can take an older dude down.


Active Member
I got motion cameras and a nice Louisville Slugger! You can get motion cameras for cheap nowadays and they work wonderfully. As soon as they detect motion they come on and if you have a monitor hooked up to them they pop up on the screen. Super easy to install and you can get them at Costco!!! ;)
Yep, they work great. My sister busted a couple kids doing graffity on her back wall and a peep n tom with them at night... all the way into court. The peep was all lookin at the camera.. and I can imagine his clueless ass with the thought.. whats those bright lights?.. snap snap... duh.. him looking directly at the lense getin a preliminary mug shot.. lol. First thing your gunna do is look towards the flash.. then snap. Me.. I depend on Bo Bo the 90 lb lab/chow and iron gates. Bo has had more that one peep for dinner.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips guy's, I'm gonna need all the help I can get.

But for tonight it's just Molly, Me, & the Taliban!

Who's gonna approach an old guy, with a bandana & a machete, in the middle of the night?



Well-Known Member
Have u heard this "Area 51 Employee call" from back in '97 off Coast to Coast AM?
Call starts @ :49 sec. mark


Well-Known Member
Now here's a call a year later in '98 from a guy claiming to be "the area 51 caller".
He does a re-enactment of the '97 call right about the 3:00 min mark;
BTW DoubleJJ, give your pooch a pat on the head from ol' Doowmd! I know a good dog when I see one! Plus she's all alert and shit! Mine bark.....AT EVERYTHING! Deer, Rabbit, other dogs, trucks, turkey, you name it. I guess as long as people(rippers to be more exact) are on that list I'm cool w/ it tho.


Well-Known Member
The two guy's wearing fodora hats in this picture are brothers. The one on the right, giving the 'hang loose' sign is my best friend & the guy you see planting my plants this year.

His brother on the far left is a retired machinest from Area 51. He is living in a motor home out in the desert on his retirement from Lockheed/Martin

He would not talk about what he did there, he said he gave an oath not too. He did say they flew to work every morning from the Las Vegas airport. And that there were no aliens or spacecraft there. Everything was very much man made & very high tech.




Well-Known Member
dam I missed a lot haha. Good to hear you have a trusty guard keeping an eye out for you. I've always wondered about area 51, that's amazing you know someone that actually worked there. Imagine all the crazy shit that must be there if its that secret.

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips guy's, I'm gonna need all the help I can get.

But for tonight it's just Molly, Me, & the Taliban!

Who's gonna approach an old guy, with a bandana & a machete, in the middle of the night?
Someone who wants to get sliced. LOL


Well-Known Member
Okay now that were on the art bell mode. Some think stonehenge was made by alians. This guy proves it can be done with one man. Or small crew.

watch how he moves a 40x40 shop with one man......

Take a bong hit. For this change how I looked at stonehenge big time.