Casey Anthony's Verdict


Well-Known Member
You act like our judicial system is actually working and fair, you act as if no one has walked away from a crime free of charges and full well guilty. act like you know.
DBKICK you would get along great in NAZI germany, the nazis didnt care about civil liberties either, and most of the nazis believed or at least went along with what they heard on the news.

Was there actually even a crime? children die of accidental death all the time, you ever heard of SIDS? you know the doctor that discovered shaken baby syndrome is the most active protestor against its use in court because to many "accidents" can present themselves in a similar manner to shake baby syndrome, in other words, WTF is wrong with you that you think you have the appropriate information or the balanced perspective to make any decision about anyone's life. a guilty man free is less evil than an innocent imprisoned.


Well-Known Member
Why is it so difficult to convict Casey when Scott Peterson now sits on death row?
Do you mean to tell me that there was LESS evidence with Kaley's body...than there was when they finally found Stacy Peterson after being drowned and in the water for well over a year?
why is it so difficult for you to imagine that in one case there might be one form of evidence, and in another they may be no evidence, or that not everyone charged with a crime actually commited a crime, and that in some cases no crime was even commited.


Well-Known Member
Remember, the reason why you have to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt is to protect the innocent. Even though this means that there are times that the guilty will get a way, it must be there to protect the innocent from being convicted of a bull shit crime. Burden of proof is on the accuser and there is no reason why it should be any where else.