Cashless Society

let the car idle so the turbos can cool down before shutting off the ignition; yes - the oil lines can get coked up (not that kind) due to the excessive heat
and don't drive like granny - hopefully yours has the multi drive modes... put it in Sport, top-off with 91 (remember when it was 92?), and make that bitch walk and talk.
that's how to make her last? I drive 5-8k km per year.
that's how to make her last? I drive 5-8k km per year.
I'd say yes... let it idle for a few seconds if it's hot before you shut it down, and blow her out every now and then to keep carbon from building up. I do this with my John Deere as well. Always let it low idle to cool everything down for a couple of min if I've been working it hard.
I'm just saying I can haul 6000 lbs on a free rig, and your 60k truck can barely handle 3000 lbs.

Why would I want to haul anything? The spray-in bedliner might get scratches. Madness...

I wasn't even in the market for a truck, was looking very hard at the Focus RS when they were coming out ($40k Focus - I'll let you ponder that for a bit), couldn't pull the trigger at the time (fortunately, as they had gasket issues), and developed back problems that made sitting low and driving stick uncomfortable - so started looking at trucks since the seats are more akin to a nice office chair. Problem is, the cheap trims have cheap seats - ending up going with a Lariat primary because of the seat options (and then just started checking options..)
either the Malibu had a long final drive ratio, or the truck had a very short one, I’m guessing.

three-speed auto in the Malibu might have had something to do with it; also, a Quadrajet dumping gas at 90mph just isn't as efficient as fuel injection
no idea on the drive ratio on the Malibu; pretty sure I have the 3.55 axle in the truck
Any of you gearheads want to stop by and drop this engine into my 71 Pontiac Lemans? I lost my storage and I'm too messed up to do an engine swap anymore. This is definitely not modern safety:bigjoint:, this is 550 ft pounds of torque to paint the road with. I'll provide all the burgers, beer and weed you can want. I'll just hold my breath while the offers roll in:hump:. IMG_20220923_162451776.jpg
So a couple weekends ago, I am in a sorta medium sized city seeing a music show. The venue is right spang in the middle of a college nightlife section of town and I wanted to grab a hundred dollars of cash before the show. We parked and paid the kiosk with our card and proceeded to walk down the main strip. Hundreds of college students, bars, dispensaries, clouds of weed, tattoo places, etc.. We start looking for an ATM. Nothing. I finally see one in a tattoo shop - its a (totally fucking useless thing called) a bitcoin ATM. So I go in. Its unplugged. Of course it is. So we continue, pass another dozen bars... nothing. So there is a Kroger and a Walgreens down at the end - we head there. Nothing at the Walgreens. We can see three ATM looking things at the Kroger so we head there. Two of them are who the fuck knows what... I forget but they were obviously not ATMs once we got within 50 yards. No fear, one of them is, or so it appears. We get up to the thing, and it took a while to figure it out, but the goddamn thing is a machine to sell your old cell phone. You punch in what your phone is and put it in the hole and you get Earth-monies for it. Obviously not cash because they are going to need to confirm that it is what you said it was I suppose.

Anyway... cash is dead. We didn't get any. We didn't need any. It has been two weeks since then. I still have the same, lone 1$ bill in my wallet.
I will take all the useless cash off your hands that you have laying around, I don't mind the hassle. I can PM you my address...
Ahhem.. back on track.. SO, I can see how going total digital, and the paper dollar being worthless would curb your local farmer from selling pecans, watermelons, etc on the side of the road, and they avoid taxes... it's simply under the radar like selling drugs. This can have a double edged sword. I support those local farmers.. they work hard, and peddle produce on the side of the road to support themselves.. big deal. I don't understand the monotony of paying taxes on your income, paying taxes on that money to pay taxes on groceries, and other goods, then being taxed again at the end of the year because you didn't pay enough in taxes. Personally, I think if you own your own property, you should be exempt from paying property taxes, as you have proven your worth, and paid those taxes in, and it should be a reward for being a responsible consumer in the real estate sector.
Going cashless and paper money having no value would expose almost everyone to taxable income. And I can see how this agenda would work to the Gov advantage... do I like the idea? No. There are "umbrellas" or "shell companies" that you can throw unqualified deductions under, and in the Cannabis biz we had to do that. We can't deduct paper, ink, labels, storage bins, office furniture, .... practically nothing other that soil, seeds, and nutes... and maybe a very small fraction of your electric.
Companies have been doing this for decades... or longer, as the laws change. Now, I do understand that on the Federal level, we have to fund the military, Snap, Section 8, our Veterans.. the list goes on forever. On the State level, we have to pay State and local taxes for infrastructure, schools, public officials, etc. People have cheated on thier taxes since taxes were implemented.
From what I understand, only 60% of Americans pay taxes... are they just trying to increase that percentage to decrease the National debt? ... Who knows. Could you maintain your current lifestyle, or way of life If you had to go cashless?... or would you prefer to keep it as it is, and be able to find those loopholes to combat overpaying on taxes?
And no, it doesn't seem fair that not everybody is paying taxes 100%.. it may just pull some pressure off of the 60% tax payers.

Edit: I hate the idea that Im paying taxes to "couch potatoes" to sit on thier asses and play video games all day while eating steak and lobster from thier SNAP card allowances, and pay most of thier rent and health insurance while at the same time they are selling meth or fentanyl on the side hustle. These criminals have the system figured out.
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