Cast Your Vote for best AUTOFLOWER strain.


Active Member
Yes cause turning the light to 12/12 is such a hard thing lol
you can't just sum it up that easily. They are recognized as a much less problematic strain type that isn't finicky on nutes or water so they don't need to be dealt with delicatly. That makes it a lot easier
then just changing the light shedule and like was said before its a lot easier to get a production schedule for more yields with an autoflower that can be done at the same schedule all the way through.


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of growing sum but all i see on hear is pep's geting 1/4oc from a plant wear im geting 8-10oc a plant with fem,reg, and at £9 a seed!!
but if i can find a higher yelding strain, i mite pop sum in my garden, any good uk outdoor strains?


Active Member
Ive read that super cali haze automatic produces approx 50 grams per plant under the right lighting. Ive never grown this strain but im told its a champion yielder
for the autoflowers.


Active Member
lol 50 gs isnt that great with an auto....And there def not easier than a photo..IMO....SCH produces 3-6 zips but takes just as long as a photo....i have haze autos going and im gonna get about 6.5zips from 5 plants in 65 days from seed half the time of a photo...Not the best production but 2 of the r only gonna total 1.5 zips they were but the others are atleast 1.5 zips and u dont get that on some photo strains...Its all about the time of yr for me..cant run light 20/4 or 18/6 durning summer to damn hot so im starting photo strains becuz its only 12hrs worth of extra heat in my room...But after summer ill be back to autos...

Jay Johnson

Active Member
Pretty much any auto grown in the right size pot 3-5 gallon, should be able to yield you 50+. That is if you follow some of the basic rules of an autoflower. Start them in the pot you're going to finish in or do one transplant before the roots reach the bottom of your starting pot. The Veg cycle is so short on them (2-3 weeks) and the tap root shoots straight down so a pot with good depth is ideal. I've also never seen anyone top an auto and come out with outstanding yields either. LST is alright to do tho to open her up a bit. And I agree, that SCH (which are supposed to yield more than 50grams btw) is a bunch of hype 120 days is enough time to have 2 cycles of a normal auto. Cant say im a big time fan of any of these super auto's, because you might as well grow a photo for the time it takes to get them done.
And any kind of deficiencies or nute lockout's have to be fixed asap, because they can shorten yield big time, since you have only a couple of months for them to finish no matter what.

Obviously they're not for everyone, but anyone with short time or space requirements they are ideal. And I dont believe all the "it doesn't get you as high" talk! Properly home grown autoflower meds will lay you on your ass...Period!!


Well-Known Member
Pretty much any auto grown in the right size pot 3-5 gallon, should be able to yield you 50+. That is if you follow some of the basic rules of an autoflower. Start them in the pot you're going to finish in or do one transplant before the roots reach the bottom of your starting pot. The Veg cycle is so short on them (2-3 weeks) and the tap root shoots straight down so a pot with good depth is ideal. I've also never seen anyone top an auto and come out with outstanding yields either. LST is alright to do tho to open her up a bit. And I agree, that SCH (which are supposed to yield more than 50grams btw) is a bunch of hype 120 days is enough time to have 2 cycles of a normal auto. Cant say im a big time fan of any of these super auto's, because you might as well grow a photo for the time it takes to get them done.
And any kind of deficiencies or nute lockout's have to be fixed asap, because they can shorten yield big time, since you have only a couple of months for them to finish no matter what.

Obviously they're not for everyone, but anyone with short time or space requirements they are ideal. And I dont believe all the "it doesn't get you as high" talk! Properly home grown autoflower meds will lay you on your ass...Period!!
I agree I am growing 4 auto-strains and SCH is doo doo....... Its wasting space in my grow area and I will not be doing it again. Super autos can go lick my balls honestly. regular autos are great and I will be gripping 4oz every 2 weeks with a rotating perpetual system using leds and t5's. This is only using plants in 2 gallon containers.


Active Member
Check out this guy. IL diavolo is the largest auto yet! 7oz in 72 days!!



Active Member
Great germination rate. Potent for A.F. strain and lookin to get 5 oz. dried off of 5 plants maybe more maybe less will update with pics after they come out of darkness best strain ive got so far!


Well-Known Member
Lowryder 2...42G dry smokable..under 400w hps 12/12...
Just harvested a Buddha Syrup....gonna be approx 2 oz dry...
All my autos are grown in 4" pots (2 ltr) with BioBizz nutes.
A small tent yeilds me at least an ounce per prob.
Autos have gotten much much better in potency and yeilds the past couple of years.
World Of Seeds Auto series are some very good & stable autos to start with....
with some killer toke mat'l...


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the company made a mistake in your favor.

I smoked some Auto Moscow and it was better than a lot of other non auto strains I have smoked. As far as hating on autos, I can see where you are coming from with all the GM and Monsanto fear but I also think some of you guys are going a bit far with this "fascists are taking over and taking my means of production" stuff. Of course, it is just my opnion and I enjoy the debate. I can see benefits of the auto flower scientific advances. As long as we stay mindful that it is possible for companies to eventually control all production and try to avoid that, what is the harm in enjoying the fruits of the research? Of course, I would much rather just smoke the White Russian with out the ruderalis genes. Let the less adept enjoy some decent smoke while learning how to grow the superior smoke.
GM foods is fascist and they are taking over. 3rd world countries that is.
Pot by all means will never get this kind of attention from People like GM. But then again never say never.
It is heading in that direction in a sense, i got tricked. 100% females lol never felt the need to buy them again. But since i jumped the gun i will be picking up some more auto's.
Look at Hitler and all his research, scientists pushing new developments. What good did this do? Nothing for them, but everything for the USA. All that research in the wrong hands can be a very bad thing. ( bombs futuristic weapons Fluoridated drinking water ) believe it our not Most of the technology America uses was made or invented by the Germans.. 1946 America started Fluoridating the water systems ( even those already having natural fluoride in them ) where did they find out about fluoride you ask... The GERMANS what did they use it for?! Making people in concentration camps docile so they could have fewer armed guards....
The people are the real voice in any country, and most country's are to stupid to speak up and stand up together to get what they want and what is truly right.
Don't get me wrong i had a few drinky poo's that night lol
But it is in the back of my mind that something like this could happen, and it would not be very hard for them to do this.
Example, say America legalizes pot. What if they control the market with a new auto that is 100% female.. Genetically altered to their specific specifications. No different then GM foods already practicing this with FOOD we eat.
Not saying everyone is subjected to this. But those fluoridated fools who believe that pot is bad for you, and don't realize this until the "government" says so... will be subjected to this. Say 90% of America ( bad example of the % but you get my drift lol ) Now unless they know someone who grows and produces seeds of their own, it will be very hard for them to get their hands on this. Now saying this think about 20 years from then, information will be passed down generation to generation. We all know how much the American government loves to cover shit up, now only 10% of the population knows about the pot we smoke today. If a heavily fluoridated populations government tells them something they will believe it and will ignore the rest of the world. I do believe this will happen someday maybe when our planet kills itself and we the bacteria are the only species inhabiting earth. Or it could happen in the next 100 years. Just like pot became illegal at the end of the 1800's...
The same reason and example pot is illegal, YOUR GOVERNMENT. thanks america
( now that is a conspiracy if i ever did see one lol!)
kannabia seeds gnomo !!! finished in 80 days from seed and a buitiful high,starts off very cerebral,then creeps into a nice body stone but you still feel happy and not paranoid !! im in love with this plant and for auto haters,i can see your point but we like them coz there quick and easy and stealth and if youve never tried autos,try kannabia gnomo !! you wont regret it :)


Autoflower plants are not a good thing in most cases. Allows company's to control the seed prices better. By not being able to reproduce the plant, so ya many have good reason to hate. Autoflower seeds kinda remind me of GM foods... and that is not a good thing. They fuck over people in 3rd world country's by control of the seeds, every year farmers have to buy more seeds instead of creating them their self. Not to mention go around the usa planting seeds in unsuspecting farmers fields just to sue them because they own complete rights over there bullshit crops.. AVOID GM BY ALL MEANS RUN THEM INTO THE GROUND BURN THEIR CORPSES!!!! SHIT ON THEM AFTER WORDS AND REPEAT!!!!!!!! FUCK GM FOODS TO GODDAMN HELL!!
Now that thats out of me.....
As long as i have my seeds and strains to myself i know i would not be subjected to any BS some fuck scientist developed. But thats just paranoia kicking in. ;)
<3 the free world. GM FOODS is a real evil in this world that needs to be put down for good.
I think its time to go to sleep lol!

dude, if you are saying autoflowering is GMO, then you might as well say indica/sativa hybrids are GMO.
all you auto flower haters probably don't even know how it's done.
it's typically quite simply a cross of a cannabis sativa or cannabis indica (or hybrid) and cannabis ruderalis.
i hate to call you all out on not doing your homework but, i kinda feel it's necessary here.

(edit btw sorry to bump such an old thread, i should have looked at the dates here)


Active Member
if you have a nice deep container like a garbage can you can get some really good yields off of mi5 it likes to drop its taproot pretty far down then the plant really blows out into a nice bush and its got some great purples its a ak x purple afghan and a ruderalis to make it auto flower and yes you can get male and female plants from autos ive bread my own autos with wonderwoman and mi5 * a photo period crossed with a auto flower and auto flowers are not like gm foods and shit because its totally natural for that strain just like indica traits or sativa traits its their own genus in the plant kingdom unfortunately its pretty much like a ditch weed fortunately tho they do have some varieties with rather high thc content so its a double edged sword


Well-Known Member
world of seeds afghan kush ryder for me... have grown it a good few times now always with great results
50 grams from 1 plant was my biggest yielder and the quality is unreal!



Well-Known Member
I got 5 and 6 ounces off of Auto Super Lemon Haze.

Autoflower plants are not a good thing in most cases. Allows company's to control the seed prices better. By not being able to reproduce the plant, so ya many have good reason to hate.
I made thousands of feminized auto seeds. It is very easy.

Autoflower seeds kinda remind me of GM foods... and that is not a good thing.
They are not anything like GM foods, which you do not understand either.

They fuck over people in 3rd world country's by control of the seeds, every year farmers have to buy more seeds instead of creating them their self. Not to mention go around the usa planting seeds in unsuspecting farmers fields just to sue them because they own complete rights over there bullshit crops.. AVOID GM BY ALL MEANS RUN THEM INTO THE GROUND BURN THEIR CORPSES!!!! SHIT ON THEM AFTER WORDS AND REPEAT!!!!!!!! FUCK GM FOODS TO GODDAMN HELL!!

You seem to be confusing GMO and one of the companies that produces it.

Now that thats out of me.....
As long as i have my seeds and strains to myself i know i would not be subjected to any BS some fuck scientist developed.
You hate science too? Weird.