Cat eatting plant


Well-Known Member
My cat has chewed my weed plant up, he ate half of one plant and chewed up another. Now he's trying to eat my bonsai tree. He pukes then eats more, how can I stop him? I don't want to hurt him so don't say things like that.


Well-Known Member
It's time for anticatmando....

Anticatmando say: "Here fluffy.... here fluffy.... I have a nice spa treatment in the kitchen...."


Well-Known Member
yeah yoda, train your cat or lock your crap up!
spray bottles are good for training cats, just spray it whenever they go over to the plants!


Well-Known Member
A squirt gun worked for my he posted up in camo like he was hunting bear's... after about 5 times of soaking the cat everytime he came in the barn, the cat finally smartened up, and of course you do it with the coldest water possible. SHOCK and Awe that cat. You might also try catnip at the opposite end of the house or whatever to keep the cat entertained with some other method of getting high.


Well-Known Member
Hhehehehe... "One time..... a long time ago in a grow far far away"...

My female cat took out, 15 pre-flowering ladies. Every single leaf...... =(

Only one thing to do..... SHOOT the plants out.... start over.... =)

By the way, we use squirt bottles you can buy at the dollar store... come in 6 - 8 packs... adjustable range on them even! put them all over the house, easily accessible.

I have one cat though, she DARES you to squirt her... She doesn't care one bit.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Squirt gun probably won't deter the cat, but you can spray the pants with cayenne pepper water, it won't hurt the plants and the cat won't eat spicy leafs.


Well-Known Member
I think the pepper thing would work for the most part... Unless your flowering.... That might not end up to be the best smoke!


Well-Known Member
Easiest and most human method is to correct your cats diet in the first place or its canna or cat.... not both, last week a friend had the same issue with his girls cat he put it in the microwave for 5 minutes, on high as he got a burger at the corner store, this morning he's gone out and bought her a new microwave shit!


Well-Known Member
Get rid of the fucking cat or lock up your plants. No animals in the grow area. Ever. Cats are useless animals tho so I say ditch the damn cat.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
It's time for anticatmando....

Anticatmando say: "Here fluffy.... here fluffy.... I have a nice spa treatment in the kitchen...."
Easiest and most human method is to correct your cats diet in the first place or its canna or cat.... not both, last week a friend had the same issue with his girls cat he put it in the microwave for 5 minutes, on high as he got a burger at the corner store, this morning he's gone out and bought her a new microwave shit!
Get rid of the fucking cat or lock up your plants. No animals in the grow area. Ever. Cats are useless animals tho so I say ditch the damn cat.
None of you are allowed around my pets :peace: :)


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Man I thought by the title you actually had a plant that ate cats..a Cat Eating Plant lol..... Can you not keep the cat out of the area of grow? They do make these motion detection things for cats where when they pas by it blast compressed air and scares them until they stop going to that area. Hers a video of it being used its called SSSCat. I have them in my house to keep them out of rooms I dont want them in set right at door entrance


Well-Known Member
If that cat eats your plants, eat the cat so the cat knows how you feel. But I agree with jimmy get rid of the cat and get a mean ass dog so people don't go near your grow.


Well-Known Member
They make "greens" for cats that grow in a small clay pot like chia. Put some around that the cat CAN have, and they might leave your plants alone.


Active Member
Cats have a right to get high too!

My female cat is so beautiful, she lowers my blood pressure better than any pills, she will not touch any plants, will not attack my caged birds, she will not jump on the kitchen table, counter or sink. She will not eat any meat or fish only her cat food.
So I forgive her for not hunting mice or rats, she ignores that vermin too.

She follows me around the house, and comes to me when I call her. Sometimes I think she has dog genes in her.

I did not care about cats before I got her, she is my first cat , I am very happy cat owner and I love my cat!