caterpillars infesting help


Active Member
so i live in florida and grow completley organic outdoor i recently harvested my maz ah reef plant (or whatever its called
and noticed little webs in between a few stems i look closer after harvestin and foun three caterpillars white with black heads and one came from inside a bud!!!!!
whats goin on any info why their there
any help at all appreciated

P.S. also have four others strains that were growin in same yard should i take percautions there was nothin on anyother ones cause i examined them all closley after i found the webs on the one


Try putting cedar chips/bark around your plants. $3 or $4 for a 2 cubic foot bag from Home Depot, Walmart, etc. Now that they are infested, I would use a liberal dose of organic insecticidal soap.


Well-Known Member
use a biological, Bacillus Thuringensis (sp ?) AKA BT. the caterpillars eat the bacteria infected leaves and die. Any good garden center should have it and it will last for years if you keep it refrigerated.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
those fuclers just ate all my lettuce and oregano on my blacony! How the hell they got up there I dont know. I shook my tomatoes and a bunch fell out. None on the weed thank god. That is inside. Wonder if copper can help? I cut theri head off. These were little green and almost whitish ones. I am so pissed off at the annoying kingdom.