Cats and Catnip


Well-Known Member
LOL! i'm trying top find a Rasta beanie for her. She(Molly) likes it only occasionally from what i gather but she's ALWAYS mellow as hell. When i get the least bit of tension in my voice she just walks away. She hates drama and it's a great reminder to me that i should just take a deep breath(smoke-filled of course) and chill. Her mom was an akc black lab but lived in the country and ran free so we aren't really sure who daddy is. Chico, her best buddy other than me, is half chihuahua(LOL!SP?) and terrier. Cool mix but DAMN he's got some energy!
Looks like a nice mellow dog, great company when your chilling! They take away the loneliness when your alone. I love dogs & cats both and equally, but its great to come back home and have your dog just plain glad to see you lol Partners may not be doing that someday :D Priceless!

Thought you`ll like this Budlover :)

dog magnet.jpg

Great fridge magnet :D


King Tut
Looks like a nice mellow dog, great company when your chilling! They take away the loneliness when your alone. I love dogs & cats both and equally, but its great to come back home and have your dog just plain glad to see you lol Partners may not be doing that someday :D Priceless!

Thought you`ll like this Budlover :)

View attachment 1613849

Great fridge magnet :D
:mrgreen: Ain't that the truth! Our dogs are spoiled rotten but man they sure are nice to have around!


Well-Known Member
yeah, i blow smoke on my cat sometimes . . . he loves it, starts walking around dizzily and drinking lots of milk ^_^


Well-Known Member
I have a large catnip bush, the cats mostly ignore it, but if it is damp early in the morning they make a beeline for it, I think it releases the smell more, kinda like when I water my basil, everything smells like basil.
Anyhow, its not a problem. My cats sit in a row, each takeing a turn, sometimes I cheat and throw some leaves for the ones in the back. I noticed it gets very strong just after seeding. A tiny piece of leave and they drool like mandrax fiends.


Well-Known Member
fresh valerian root will have the same/synergy effect on cats as well i have a scratch pad for my commander ted refilled with fresh catnip and valerian all the time

and this is what he does after words



Well-Known Member
Something else my cats love is spices, especialy things like curry powder etc..


Well-Known Member
hahaha :) come home from work one day and find you're cat on the floor covered in spices sniffing all your curry powder ^_^