
Have 18 Platinum Bubba Kush in 4x4 table vegging. Started getting a tiny tiny amount of yellow (thumbnail size) right where the internode/stem meets the (perfect looking) green leaf on every one of them. So I'm thinking possible nitro def. Then my aunt comes over with her 3 cats this morning and opens the damn door (in there for at least 10 min + without me knowing) and I go in and every single FIM'ed top has been eaten off!!!! The leaves are all now pointing down! And the tiny yellow patch at every leaf meets stem point is still there..... How do I recover from this? And any ides on leaf meets stem point tiny yellow patch (rest of leaf looks beautiful) ? Can't show a pic cause the cats knocked over and broke my damn digital camera to boot!

Thank God for making me a patient man. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
That's why you put a lock on your door like I did. Prevents any unwanted intruders. Sorry I can't help beyond that....


Well-Known Member
not only are cats the MOST useless animals on the planet, they smell and dont do a damn thing but annoy people. why do you think lonely people always have a crazy amount of cats??...spray the cats with a machine gun and tell your aunt she owes you money for new clones/seeds...and tell her to put a few bucks to the side for a feline funeral,lol... but as far as the plant...?...i dunno man, all u can do is hope they recover and maybe they will be even bushier, who knows??? sorry to hear it...AND the digital camera???...poor guy


I know your pain the gf let her cat in my grow room once and umm......yeah. anyways it pulled everyone of them out of their pots by the time i found it and them there was no saving them and it compliments of the deuce deuce fuckin cats they flock to that shit like cat nip. It could be nitro def, potassium def, or the ph of the soil and water is off you want the ph to be between the range of 6.5 to 7.0, while in hydroponics the nutrient solution should stay within the range of 5.5 and 6.0.