Go cali ! It's ya birthday ,
Let's wake nd bake cause its ya birthday
Hell let's smoke a eighth cause its ya birthday
Hahaha happy bday cali enjoy your day !!!
Hellz yeah Kush!!!.........best birthday song ever, I've been singing it in my head all day
Fuck your birthday!! Lol jk happy birthday!!
your fukin AWESOME dabumps...always making me smile....thank u
Happy Birthday Calicatt!!!! Got any bday plans?
Aries FTW

Mine's tomorrow and I plan on having a hell of a good weekend!
Hey Logarithmic....thank you and Happy (almost) Birthday to you too my fellow Aries girl. I knew you had that FIRE in you....that certain....UMPH...LOL
Hangin out with some friends and family this weekend (I've got the in-laws visiting)

So I'm gonna try to sneak away for a little "ME" time...(if ya know what I mean

) Maybe a drive through the mountains....just me and my MJ blasting the music and being FREEEEEE

I'll probably stop at Fedora's and kick his ass in pool....then get my ass handed to me in ping pong....lol! Good times