Caught this fucker in my shower...


Well-Known Member
i see a similar looking type of spider in my house all the time, i just let them do their thing
If they are not biting you or your family and bothersome, just leave them be. Now if there are hundreds that's a different story. As far as spider bites, everyone will react differently.. When you see a picture of a full blown puss ball and skin lacerations it's just the way that individual reacted.


Well-Known Member
The bite that was in the picture is from a recluse, it's called necrosis (I think that's the word) and it's not very likely at all to happen when bit. Problem is recluse bites are generally painless when they happen, then a few hours later they start to itch.

Fun fact - Did you know that at any given point in your life no matter WHERE you are, there is a spider within six feet of you?


Well-Known Member
i dont imagine they mesh well with anyone.

btw, this really helped that i'm dry and cant sleep.

shame on me for reading, but god damn you know it alls and google searchers.




Well-Known Member
Ahhh those recluse bite pictures make me cringe.

I have a phobia for spiders as well, I flip a shit when I run into webs outside, imagine when it happens to me stoned :cry:


Well-Known Member
i knew a guy who was bitten by a spider once. now he can climb walls and shoot goo from his wrists, landed a girl named mary jane and is a national hero. best thing that ever happened to him.


Well-Known Member
I think thats a brown recluse..Those are nasty fuckers
Caught two more smaller ones downstairs. I can live with one. Two means there's more. the third one just means they're everywhere.

Anyone know what these fuckers are about? Would they be breeding in the house/attic/walls or are they just coming inside? These spiders are not supposed to be where I live. A university wants to send people to my house for specimen collecting. Aren't I fucking special.