caught uncle snooping around guerallia grow

cary schellie

Active Member
broke the first rule and mentioned I had 6 foot ww's. My uncle followed me and watched me till he kinda figured the area i was in. I confronted him and I belive hes fixin to rip me or mess with my grow. These guys are all jelous because they have been growing for 30 years and now I come in new and am doing much better cause the extra work and research I do. Any suggestions...booby traps maybe
pepper spray set with trip wires. or something like paint that marks him so u know he was there. threaten to beat the shit out of him if he comes around again. mention that u have booby traps to keep him away
loose lips sink ships .. best friend to family, has no boundaries.

jealousy is a sickness .. and it doesn't go away easily to those who have it.
Depends on the booby traps. do you want to put up booby traps to hurt someone or kill someone with bad intentions.

You could dig a ditch around the perimeter of the plants and put wood spikes. then camoflage it with leaves/brush and what not.
classic rambo shit. how far will you go to protect your investment

you made the mistake of telling now you have to improvise
land mines. land mines pipe bombs.
just go to his house and break your knuckles on his face.
to much money. break his face and he'll for sure fuck with ur crops. I'm guessing "taken'em out" isn't an option so.. booby trap the plants for sure.
get creative :)
Start showing him how to grow like you. Make it a mutually beneficial situation without 'paying off'. He's family, he shouldn't be your enemy.

Threatening, beating, or otherwise injuring him, will only create more animosity and bring a ton of heat down on you.
u could always just frame him? go get an few oz's put them by him and call the police n tell them hes just threatened you with a knife or some bs they will be all over his ass find the weed and he will be locked up for a little, if u use coke instead of weed he'll b gone for awhile lmao
u could always just frame him? go get an few oz's put them by him and call the police n tell them hes just threatened you with a knife or some bs they will be all over his ass find the weed and he will be locked up for a little, if u use coke instead of weed he'll b gone for awhile lmao

thats fucked up
go jack his shit then

straight up.

and to the person who said show him how you grow. that might be smart...i don't know the guy. but depending on the doesn't really matter. when your shits at risk .. your shits at risk and you can't take any chances especially when you go out of your way to take the best care of them. nothing worse than someone fucking with your babies
Start showing him how to grow like you. Make it a mutually beneficial situation without 'paying off'. He's family, he shouldn't be your enemy.

Threatening, beating, or otherwise injuring him, will only create more animosity and bring a ton of heat down on you.

This actually sounds like the only good advise so far. Sure the other stuff is fun to think about, but when he gets a face full of pepper sprayer a spike through the foot he then is seriously pissed and likely to anonymously tip off the feds. That's heat you don't and can't deal with.

The only thing i can add would be to buy a hunter camera. It's a little camo camera that you strap to a tree that takes pics from a motion sensor. Hide it well because he could just rip it down too. At least with the camera you have some type of evidence to confront him with and get your shit back
no need to trip, just buy yourself a new best friend, a dog. a dogs bark strikes fear into the heart of many rodents, rodents that may eat your crop.

Speaking of rodents if your grow so happens to get messed with at all, then you know exactly who to talk to. you should tell him that to, just trust your gut, and trust no one
i would pick them early, because only a few things can happin from this point, 1. he"s a pot smoker and wants the bud off the plant, the plant being 6ft tall, its to big to dig up and move so he will wait till the bud is early and try and pick it befor you do, so in that case just pick it earlyer then he does, buds will be premie but better you have them then him..or 2, hes not a pot smoker and is gonna A. destroy your crop, or B. call the cops.....its your call........i personally would try and talk to him about it since he already knows where their at, what are his intentsions with it? does he even care, since you let it slip maybe you gonna half to fork over some of thoes fire nugs to keep his hands from getting sticky.......but i dont know him so again..its your call
Gotta love family... Talking to him seems the best option. Maybe you could stroke his ego a bit and ask for some of his advice. Maybe ask hime to help you harvest. Tell him say oct 1st...but go sept 20th and take it all yourself. Good luck with whatever you do.