CBD only


Active Member
yea but spending 3 grand on the real deal is not so bad as 3 grand on something some guy made with hemp and not potent cannabis flowers.

i wouldn't complain about i if that price was for real RSO as i realize it takes a lot of quality material for real medicine. i just don't believe the stuff on that web site is going to help someone as much as the real deal and also may be misrepresented as being such for the uninformed or desperate.

60 grams of hemp oil probably costs a few bucks to make vs real RSO that takes a lb or more to make 60 grams. they should be ashamed


Active Member
I think it takes a pound of smoke to get
a 2 month supply for rso
Cancer killing dose
Honestly people up here are making it with half ass trim that I know with naptha.

Dispensaries are buying it.

But the profit margin makes it attractive
for people.

Everyone is morral until someone stuffs cash in your face. lol
what do they charge in the dispensaries for real RSO?

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
I've had good result from the Spanish CBD strains like Cannatonic, Dance Hall, and Juanita La Lagrimosa.
Harlequin has a nice initial impact on my pain, but quickly dissipated, and I build up a tolerance to it quickly.
I just finished growing Dance World, by Royal Queen Seeds, and I found a keeper that falls onto the Juanita side of the family.
It has an amazing funky, zesty, lime peel scent, and taste.
Her medicine really hits the spot, taking care of my pain, and keeping me going.
She hasn't been tested, but my guess is that she's between 6-8% in THC and CBD.


Well-Known Member
I've had good result from the Spanish CBD strains like Cannatonic, Dance Hall, and Juanita La Larimosa.
Harlequin has a nice initial impact on my pain, but quickly dissipated, and I build up a tolerance to it quickly.
I just finished growing Dance World, by Royal Queen Seeds, and I found a keeper that falls onto the Juanita side of the family.
It has an amazing funky, zesty, lime peel scent, and taste.
Her medicine really hits the spot, taking care of my pain, and keeping me going.
She hasn't been tested, but my guess is that she's between 6-8% in THC and CBD.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the hemp products are expensive. They have to grow the hemp in Europe, and by the way, those products are made from cannabis flowers. Hemp is also cannabis sativa, just like the pound of flowers that RSO is made from.

Just last week the Farm Bill was signed into law in the US and has a clause that allows hemp to be grown in 20 States. When we produce hemp products in this country the cost will go down. I'm paying $10 a pound for hemp nuts, so I'll be glad when the price goes down.



Active Member
yes i understand that the hemp is cannabis but it's zero THC and who knows what other cannabinoids are devoid in it. they grow it by the acre and it's harvested with tractors. i just don't think they should be applying the same price to it as real RSO.

i did read something about the hemp going to be allowed to be grown in some states it's certainly long overdue. maybe some small farmers will benefit but likely they have it in law that only some big corps will be the ones doing the growing? i don't know really that just sounds like the typical US method. whatever happens once people start seeing fields of hemp growing the last of the hardline ganja haters should start to change their views, realizing it is nothing evil. they my even think it's beautiful.


Active Member
i would imagine if your next to a field you will be screwed. they definitely can cross pollinate. how far it can travel would be all on the conditions. i don't think it would ruin it for outdoor crops everywhere just the ones next to hemp fields.

if Monsanto creates GM hemp an it pollinates your head stash i wonder could they come test the beans and sue you like they do farmers with other crops? just silly thoughts i know but i have heard worse stories.


Well-Known Member
I watched a vid I think where dea was
considering dumping pollen to screw
potfarmers via hemp.
Just diddnt know if it was realistic.
That would be crappy


Active Member
it would be shitty of them but like everything they do it would only hurt things never stop it. and in the end they would look like the bigger fools and with the media on the cannabis side now days they would expose what a waste it was. i would hope anyhow. maybe i underestimate them but i don't think so.

in places out west and in Canada it grows feral from when they used to grow it commercially and you never hear of any big problems. and its everywhere in some areas.


Well-Known Member
yes i understand that the hemp is cannabis but it's zero THC and who knows what other cannabinoids are devoid in it. they grow it by the acre and it's harvested with tractors. i just don't think they should be applying the same price to it as real RSO.

i did read something about the hemp going to be allowed to be grown in some states it's certainly long overdue. maybe some small farmers will benefit but likely they have it in law that only some big corps will be the ones doing the growing? i don't know really that just sounds like the typical US method. whatever happens once people start seeing fields of hemp growing the last of the hardline ganja haters should start to change their views, realizing it is nothing evil. they my even think it's beautiful.

Maybe you're starting to understand. Hemp is also Cannabis Sativa, and it contains THC, just in smaller amounts, usually 1-2 percent. It also contains all of the other compounds in the cannabinoid, and is specifically high in CBD.

We call it hemp, but it is the same marijuana plant, except it has a different cannabinoid profile. Similar to all of the strains of marijuana that have differing amounts of THC and CBD. So you saying that it should not be priced like "real RSO" is confusing, since it is real RSO.



Well-Known Member
Tough to find anything really high in CBD via seeds at this point. I would imagine that will change in time, but right now clones are where it's at. There are a few clones floating around Michigan right now with very impressive numbers. I'm working with one right now that has a 25:1 CBD:THC ratio.

My patients like a coconut oil infusion the best. If you don't want to get "high" I would recommend doing a dry ice extraction. When you heat the buds (or the oil you're using to infuse) you activate the THC which is what makes you get high. Prior to decarboxylization, THC is in the form of THC-A which is non-psychoactive, and can be very therapeutic for all of the same reasons that CBD is. Using whole plants, getting the entire spectrum of cannabinoids is the best approach imo. I take dried bud, add it to a 90 micron bubble bag, add some dry ice to that, and agitate/shake for a few minutes. When people are making dry ice hash they don't want plant matter in their hash for purity reasons, but for me I want that plant matter in there. The dry ice is so cold that it turns the foliage in to a fine powder that will pass through a 90 micron bag. You then just scoop the trichomes/powder up (do this over a clean glass table) and add it to the coconut oil at room temperature. Coconut oil is solid below 76 degrees, so you may need to put your jar of coconut oil in to a pot of warm water to liquefy it when infusing it, and also when taking a dose. I infuse 1 oz of bud to 1 cup of coconut oil, and my patients take 5ml in the morning and again in the evening. Extremely good results for all that have used it.

Screw paying obscene prices to corporate money-mongers. Make your own! :-)

Feel free to pm me if you have any questions.


Active Member
Maybe you're starting to understand. Hemp is also Cannabis Sativa, and it contains THC, just in smaller amounts, usually 1-2 percent. It also contains all of the other compounds in the cannabinoid, and is specifically high in CBD.

We call it hemp, but it is the same marijuana plant, except it has a different cannabinoid profile. Similar to all of the strains of marijuana that have differing amounts of THC and CBD. So you saying that it should not be priced like "real RSO" is confusing, since it is real RSO.

no it's not the same. it is industrial hemp, even the federal government will tell you they are different. the whole cannabinoid structure is different. also one is worth a whole lot more money, hemp is sold by the acre while medical cannabis is sold by grams at times and fetches top dollar. if you had terminal cancer and had one last hope RSO, making it with medical cannabis vs industrial hemp seems like a huge difference, really huge.

also my main gripe is the cost $3,000 for 60 gms of hemp oil made with $5 of hemp vs a making it with a lb or more of medical grade cannabis flowers is a huge difference. i worry the consumer would not know that and spend their money on that stuff. certainly you can see what i mean.

RSO as i know it is made with medical grade cannabis, every Rick Simpson video i have ever watched he will tell you the cure is in the whole plant THC and all not just the hemp plant with CBD and negligible amounts of trace THC and other cannabinoids. to price it as being the real deal is robbery. as like i said one is made with a few dollars of hemp while the other is made with a lb or more of expensive buds.

i ll admit i do not know much about this stuff but i do know that hemp does not have the medical qualities as good cannabis flowers and i would think most everyone would agree. otherwise everyone would smoke and grow hemp.


Active Member
i am not saying the real RSO is to expensive just the stuff on that web site made with industrial hemp. they are lousy people to even price it as such. if it does in fact have healing properties they could charge a quarter that and still make lots of cash, hemp is cheap medical cannabis is not.

I'm not trying to fight mate, sorry if i come of as being an ass. i just honestly believe that the two versions are different enough to have not only a big price gap but also the hemp oil on that site s not made how Rick Simpson would recommend. he always sais the buds from potent cannabis is what heals. i believe the stuff made with hemp can not be the same for healing qualities.


Well-Known Member
lol, the federal government also say MJ can kill you, cause cancer and is very dangerous. The fed, thats hilarious!


Well-Known Member
Tough to find anything really high in CBD via seeds at this point. I would imagine that will change in time, but right now clones are where it's at. There are a few clones floating around Michigan right now with very impressive numbers. I'm working with one right now that has a 25:1 CBD:THC ratio.

My patients like a coconut oil infusion the best. If you don't want to get "high" I would recommend doing a dry ice extraction. When you heat the buds (or the oil you're using to infuse) you activate the THC which is what makes you get high. Prior to decarboxylization, THC is in the form of THC-A which is non-psychoactive, and can be very therapeutic for all of the same reasons that CBD is. Using whole plants, getting the entire spectrum of cannabinoids is the best approach imo. I take dried bud, add it to a 90 micron bubble bag, add some dry ice to that, and agitate/shake for a few minutes. When people are making dry ice hash they don't want plant matter in their hash for purity reasons, but for me I want that plant matter in there. The dry ice is so cold that it turns the foliage in to a fine powder that will pass through a 90 micron bag. You then just scoop the trichomes/powder up (do this over a clean glass table) and add it to the coconut oil at room temperature. Coconut oil is solid below 76 degrees, so you may need to put your jar of coconut oil in to a pot of warm water to liquefy it when infusing it, and also when taking a dose. I infuse 1 oz of bud to 1 cup of coconut oil, and my patients take 5ml in the morning and again in the evening. Extremely good results for all that have used it.

Screw paying obscene prices to corporate money-mongers. Make your own! :-)

Feel free to pm me if you have any questions.
coconut is turning up more and more
sounds like a nice way to dose.

I watched a vid of a guy with his bubble
bag and bucket of dry ice and material
make a pretty impressive pile in about
10 minutes.


Well-Known Member
i am not saying the real RSO is to expensive just the stuff on that web site made with industrial hemp. they are lousy people to even price it as such. if it does in fact have healing properties they could charge a quarter that and still make lots of cash, hemp is cheap medical cannabis is not.

I'm not trying to fight mate, sorry if i come of as being an ass. i just honestly believe that the two versions are different enough to have not only a big price gap but also the hemp oil on that site s not made how Rick Simpson would recommend. he always sais the buds from potent cannabis is what heals. i believe the stuff made with hemp can not be the same for healing qualities.
I agree 100%. The difference is that most people that are making RSO are doing so out of compassion and make the oil at a loss (compared to what the bud used to make it could be sold for) and the corporations that are making it are motivated only by money/profit. Anyone that argues that the quality (and value) of weed is comparable price-wise to hemp has a screw loose.

coconut is turning up more and more
sounds like a nice way to dose.

I watched a vid of a guy with his bubble
bag and bucket of dry ice and material
make a pretty impressive pile in about
10 minutes.
I've tried umpteen different oils and methods, and the dry-ice coconut oil combo seems to work best. It's really very easy to do