CDC Quietly Revokes RT-PCR Emergency Use Authorization Because They Counted Covid-19 and Influenza Together

you obbiously dont live in portland. I used to. My friends who still live there report to me that downtown portland has not been destroyed

Youre dumb and a liar

You're really making a fool of yourself.

I was born in Portland and have lived here or close proximity, Beaverton, Raleigh Hills, Tualatin, Hillsboro, etc... All my life.

Maybe you lived here in the past but you obviously were not here to watch the downtown core be destroyed by a bunch of criminals. I was. You don't have a clue what it was like to watch this beautiful city be destroyed by a bunch of idiotic morons.

You talk of things you know nothing of. You call people names and rant about topics that you're clueless about. Do some damn research before you start ranting bullshit.

Some of us have a front row seat.

Now go smoke a bowl and stop trolling me.
Here’s a punch in the gut for a nation that’s already hurting. As it turns out, the so-called “gold standard” testing referenced by so many “doctors” like Anthony Fauci, as well as government officials across the board, has had its Emergency Use Authorization revoked.

The CDC announced, albeit quietly, on Wednesday that the RT-PCR tests used to tell millions of Americans they’re infected with Covid-19 has been unable to accurately differentiate between the various coronaviruses. Of particular note is the inability of these tests to know whether someone is infected with Covid-19 or influenza.

To be clear, this is not a new development. These assays have been known for years to be unable to distinguish between the different types of coronaviruses, but they ran with it anyway. According to the CDC website [emphasis added]:

As bureaucrats are wont to do, they give just enough information for their target audience to take action while omitting any details that explain the root cause. In this case, there are two reasons for this move. The first is very straight-forward. They’re switching fearmongering tactics.

The RT-PCR assays could detect the presence of a coronavirus from a swab in real-time, making it a good indicator of the potential for Covid-19 infection. In a sane world that wasn’t driven by a nefarious agenda, positive results on the RT-PCR tests would have been treated as indicators that someone needed to get a real test, like an antigen test, to determine if they were infected. But this isn’t a sane world and the powers-that-be saw an opportunity to bump up numbers to drive panic. They ran with it, and revoking the EUA means they’re done with that particular type of fearmongering. The RT-PCR assays served their purpose.

The other reason for this move is very concerning. This shift and its timing both indicate the powers-that-be are anticipating a need to differentiate between the various coronaviruses. If it really is the need to differentiate Covid-19 and influenza as they’re claiming, then that jibes with the sudden push to maximize or even mandate flu vaccines within months. If that’s the scenario they have planned, expect a sudden surge in flu cases after a year where they “miraculously” disappeared thanks to RT-PCR tests claiming everything was Covid-19.

If it’s not really flu they’re trying to detect, what is it? What do they know? What do they have planned? Is there another novel coronavirus on its way? Are they expecting Covid-19 variants to mutate into variants that will require different treatments, perhaps different “vaccines”?

If we’ve learned anything in the last year-and-a-half, it’s that we cannot dismiss “conspiracy theories” without asking real questions. I was never a conspiracy theorist in the past just as I was never an anti-vaxxer, but 2020 and 2021 have made me realize things really are as bad as some have been saying. Reality may be worse than the dystopian future they’ve been warning us about for years.

The RT-PCR tests they’ve been touting for 17-months are suddenly being blacklisted by the CDC. They lied from the start and they’re switching to new lies for whatever is coming around the corner. Question everything, folks.

Damn. Spamming the whole board with troll threads. You are totally in control of "the narrative". That's what people are saying. Lots of people. Important people called my office and said that you deserve a bonus.
You're really making a fool of yourself.

I was born in Portland and have lived here or close proximity, Beaverton, Raleigh Hills, Tualatin, Hillsboro, etc... All my life.

Maybe you lived here in the past but you obviously were not here to watch the downtown core be destroyed by a bunch of criminals. I was. You don't have a clue what it was like to watch this beautiful city be destroyed by a bunch of idiotic morons.

You talk of things you know nothing of. You call people names and rant about topics that you're clueless about. Do some damn research before you start ranting bullshit.

Some of us have a front row seat.

Now go smoke a bowl and stop trolling me.
Portland wasnt destroyed. Youd know that if you lived there
Defunding the police. They've done it here in Portland and all that's happened is an increase in violent crime and shootings. Shootings have more than doubled since they disbanded the gun violence response team. It's turning into the wild west.

"In 2019, Portland had 389 shootings, according to data from the Portland Police Bureau. Just one year later, that number more than doubled, skyrocketing to almost 900.
The violence has continued in 2021. Through May, police have reported 453 shooting incidents. At the current rate, Portland will have more than 1,000 shootings by the end of this year."

i would need better citation. defunding is a misnomer what they're saying is re-allocate the funds for a de-escalation unit that uses professionals other than the police for certain calls. they do that here in Denver STAR PROGRAM and out of about 1000 calls all were successfully de-escalated without any police intervention.


Portland wasnt destroyed. Youd know that if you lived there

why is she being kept around? if i spammed like this i would be out my ass..she's obvi a russian meth addict.

i post a relevant thread about bringing the mask back and it gets thrown into TNT or better yet locked.

you got plenty of info you should have her doxed by far now..her thread's hurt my head because of the meth cadence.
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i would need better citation. defunding is a misnomer what they're saying is re-allocate the funds for a de-escalation unit that uses professionals other than the police for certain calls. they do that here in Denver STAR PROGRAM and out of about 1000 calls all were successfully de-escalated without any police intervention.

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They are trying a program similar to that in Portland. But it's just a matter of time before one of the unarmed "Professionals" is assaulted and potentially killed as they are not going to be equipped to handle some of the more violent mentally ill. Some of them are pretty dangerous. I've seen some pretty nasty stuff over the years from a guy eating feces to watching one crazy dude stabbing another repeatedly. That lady in the picture wouldn't stand a chance.

I also question that out of 1000 calls all were de-escalated. I'd like to see the data they used to come to that conclusion? I'm sure many of those calls were regarding the same individuals. If they have to keep going back time and time again then I don't see how they've been successful. Maybe the person was not arrested but did they escalate to a higher level of violence where the police were called after someone was injured?

What I'm concerned about is that these programs just prolong the inevitable. What if an individual that would have been arrested by the police after the first call is not taken into custody? That's called a success but is there any information regarding these individuals and if they were eventually arrested for a serious crime? There are probably many of these so called successes that ended with the individual committing a serious crime and eventually harming someone. Had they been taken into custody from the beginning it may prevent a future crime. But I also know that just housing them in jail is not solving the problem. The US has a terrible history with dealing with the mentally ill.

I don't have a solution but I know that moving money from the police to some guys and gals driving around in vans isn't it.

This guy was just playing a trumpet in a park and one of the mentally ill homeless bashed him in the head with a rock. Someone like that is not going to be controlled by some mental health professional.

They are trying a program similar to that in Portland. But it's just a matter of time before one of the unarmed "Professionals" is assaulted and potentially killed as they are not going to be equipped to handle some of the more violent mentally ill. Some of them are pretty dangerous. I've seen some pretty nasty stuff over the years from a guy eating feces to watching one crazy dude stabbing another repeatedly. That lady in the picture wouldn't stand a chance.

I also question that out of 1000 calls all were de-escalated. I'd like to see the data they used to come to that conclusion? I'm sure many of those calls were regarding the same individuals. If they have to keep going back time and time again then I don't see how they've been successful. Maybe the person was not arrested but did they escalate to a higher level of violence where the police were called after someone was injured?

What I'm concerned about is that these programs just prolong the inevitable. What if an individual that would have been arrested by the police after the first call is not taken into custody? That's called a success but is there any information regarding these individuals and if they were eventually arrested for a serious crime? There are probably many of these so called successes that ended with the individual committing a serious crime and eventually harming someone. Had they been taken into custody from the beginning it may prevent a future crime. But I also no that just housing them in jail is not solving the problem. The US has a terrible history with dealing with the mentally ill.

I don't have a solution but I know that moving money from the police to some guys and gals driving around in vans isn't it.

This guy was just playing a trumpet in a park and one of the mentally ill homeless bashed him in the head with a rock. Someone like that is not going to be controlled by some mental health professional.

You think that they would only ever send these people in to all calls?

I was going to troll you with a 'do you think that 911 is like the bat signal? Because I think that the people on the line could get enough information to hopefully get a good idea of when it is better to send in which team to help whatever shit is going on.

And crazy with a knife < car with a locked door.
They are trying a program similar to that in Portland. But it's just a matter of time before one of the unarmed "Professionals" is assaulted and potentially killed as they are not going to be equipped to handle some of the more violent mentally ill. Some of them are pretty dangerous. I've seen some pretty nasty stuff over the years from a guy eating feces to watching one crazy dude stabbing another repeatedly. That lady in the picture wouldn't stand a chance.

I also question that out of 1000 calls all were de-escalated. I'd like to see the data they used to come to that conclusion? I'm sure many of those calls were regarding the same individuals. If they have to keep going back time and time again then I don't see how they've been successful. Maybe the person was not arrested but did they escalate to a higher level of violence where the police were called after someone was injured?

What I'm concerned about is that these programs just prolong the inevitable.
What if an individual that would have been arrested by the police after the first call is not taken into custody? That's called a success but is there any information regarding these individuals and if they were eventually arrested for a serious crime? There are probably many of these so called successes that ended with the individual committing a serious crime and eventually harming someone. Had they been taken into custody from the beginning it may prevent a future crime. But I also know that just housing them in jail is not solving the problem. The US has a terrible history with dealing with the mentally ill.

I don't have a solution but I know that moving money from the police to some guys and gals driving around in vans isn't it.

This guy was just playing a trumpet in a park and one of the mentally ill homeless bashed him in the head with a rock. Someone like that is not going to be controlled by some mental health professional.

so then you just want to go back to Stop and Frisk scenario?

i'm not going to get into a pissing match over which states criminals are the worse..they have access to patrol back up if needed but the WHOLE POINT is THEY DIDN'T.

'all we are saying is give peace a chance..'
You think that they would only ever send these people in to all calls?

I was going to troll you with a 'do you think that 911 is like the bat signal? Because I think that the people on the line could get enough information to hopefully get a good idea of when it is better to send in which team to help whatever shit is going on.

And crazy with a knife < car with a locked door.

Why would you troll me? I'm sure we disagree on this issue but I'm also sure there are many more that we do agree on.

A 911 operator can only get the information they're provided. In many instances things are worse than they seem. Things can happen in an instant when you're dealing with the mentally unstable.

"The deputies were preparing to take the boy for a psychiatric evaluation and called for an ambulance, Blanchard said. Coates was taking the boy into custody when the youth pulled out a handgun and shot the officer in the face at close range,"

Why would you troll me? I'm sure we disagree on this issue but I'm also sure there are many more that we do agree on.

A 911 operator can only get the information they're provided. In many instances things are worse than they seem. Things can happen in an instant when you're dealing with the mentally unstable.

"The deputies were preparing to take the boy for a psychiatric evaluation and called for an ambulance, Blanchard said. Coates was taking the boy into custody when the youth pulled out a handgun and shot the officer in the face at close range,"

I just assume anytime I am joking I am being a troll man, nothing personal.

Yeah information provided, anything can happen anytime, I am not questioning that.

But the incredibly vast amount of the time human interactions are not violent. Would you rather have people who can actually help people and not just dominate them at the vast majority of calls that people are just in need of talking to someone that can effectively communicate with them, or one that is trying to stop a situation in its tracks as fast as possible?

White men (mostly since they are the ones that have historically been the ones demanding others stop and listen to them outside of their homes) need to learn to slow it down IMO and not try to control every situation.
so then you just want to go back to Stop and Frisk scenario?

i'm not going to get into a pissing match over which states criminals are the worse..they have access to patrol back up if needed but the WHOLE POINT is THEY DIDN'T.

'all we are saying is give peace a chance..'

I never said not to try anything different. I have concerns and I don't think it's a solution. I'm sure we agree on many things but this isn't one of them. I remember years ago when people would agree to disagree and then go have a drink together. Now you have to tow this line or that line. You can't pull a little on each. It's this side or that side. My way or the highway. That's why the US is so screwed up right now. It started before trump but he completely polarized the country and made everything black or white when everything should be shades of gray.

I don't have any problem with using some money for a few teams to do crisis intervention but I don't think it should come from the police budget. They waste so much money on crappy art and other junk here in Portland that they can easily find the money elsewhere.
I never said not to try anything different. I have concerns and I don't think it's a solution. I'm sure we agree on many things but this isn't one of them. I remember years ago when people would agree to disagree and then go have a drink together. Now you have to tow this line or that line. You can't pull a little on each. It's this side or that side. My way or the highway. That's why the US is so screwed up right now. It started before trump but he completely polarized the country and made everything black or white when everything should be shades of gray.

I don't have any problem with using some money for a few teams to do crisis intervention but I don't think it should come from the police budget. They waste so much money on crappy art and other junk here in Portland that they can easily find the money elsewhere.
Pleads for unity after insisting on the right wing trump lie that portland was DESTROYED!
I never said not to try anything different. I have concerns and I don't think it's a solution. I'm sure we agree on many things but this isn't one of them. I remember years ago when people would agree to disagree and then go have a drink together. Now you have to tow this line or that line. You can't pull a little on each. It's this side or that side. My way or the highway. That's why the US is so screwed up right now. It started before trump but he completely polarized the country and made everything black or white when everything should be shades of gray.

I don't have any problem with using some money for a few teams to do crisis intervention but I don't think it should come from the police budget. They waste so much money on crappy art and other junk here in Portland that they can easily find the money elsewhere.
Sure that is all fun and games in Portland man, but what about Detroit?

Same city size, same city population, and Detroit has over 2k cops to your what 700?

Portland has it's own issues that I get are very real and need to get a grip on, but thinking that the social justice protests over the summer had much to do with Portland outside of that was a really good stage for Trump's year of state sponsored rioting is where I would take a sip of my beer after saying.

The nice thing about real life talking is that we both know we have no actual power and are not in a position to change anything while having a beer.
They are trying a program similar to that in Portland. But it's just a matter of time before one of the unarmed "Professionals" is assaulted and potentially killed as they are not going to be equipped to handle some of the more violent mentally ill. Some of them are pretty dangerous. I've seen some pretty nasty stuff over the years from a guy eating feces to watching one crazy dude stabbing another repeatedly. That lady in the picture wouldn't stand a chance.

I also question that out of 1000 calls all were de-escalated. I'd like to see the data they used to come to that conclusion? I'm sure many of those calls were regarding the same individuals. If they have to keep going back time and time again then I don't see how they've been successful. Maybe the person was not arrested but did they escalate to a higher level of violence where the police were called after someone was injured?

What I'm concerned about is that these programs just prolong the inevitable. What if an individual that would have been arrested by the police after the first call is not taken into custody? That's called a success but is there any information regarding these individuals and if they were eventually arrested for a serious crime? There are probably many of these so called successes that ended with the individual committing a serious crime and eventually harming someone. Had they been taken into custody from the beginning it may prevent a future crime. But I also know that just housing them in jail is not solving the problem. The US has a terrible history with dealing with the mentally ill.

I don't have a solution but I know that moving money from the police to some guys and gals driving around in vans isn't i

This guy was just playing a trumpet in a park and one of the mentally ill homeless bashed him in the head with a rock. Someone like that is not going to be controlled by some mental health professional.

. I have concerns and I don't think it's a solution. I'm sure we agree on many things but this isn't one of them. I remember years ago when people would agree to disagree and then go have a drink together. Now you have to tow this line or that line. You can't pull a little on each. It's this side or that side. My way or the highway. That's why the US is so screwed up right now. It started before trump but he completely polarized the country and made everything black or white when everything should be shades of gray.

I don't have any problem with using some money for a few teams to do crisis intervention but I don't think it should come from the police budget. They waste so much money on crappy art and other junk here in Portland that they can easily find the money elsewhere.

well, you kind of did..i'm just highlighting your words..the solution has been working and yet you're saying it won't.