Ohh today's America. You can make the news and win a lawsuit because you're a dude that fucks hairy dude ass but growing weed legally gets denied and brushed under.
Sorry to hear about your order. You can checkout to find other suppliers.

Northern Grow Lights has ordered several times from time from CDI. Got an account with them too. I am sure they visited my website before approving my account. I am sure they know my customers don't grow lights bulbs.
I never bought up the words from schedule 1 list:weed: and they never gave me any issues.
I just heard back from David Lomas from
Hi Roger,

Thanks for the follow up and yes, Hooper is Correct.

Citizen is very conservative company especially when comes to the horticulture industry. Unfortunately they do not support the sale of leds to horticulture industry with the rise of demand for cannabis lighting.

Dave Lomas

Now the decision do we continue to support a company like CITIZEN that does not support the cannabis community?
Interesting question.

Its funny how much people get seriously worked up about cannabis. Virtually everything you buy is lining the pockets of some rich piece of shit that you'd probably want to bury alive after spending 5 minutes in a room with them.

Starting to think that even with all the rampant racism, social inequaliy, corruption, cronyism, environmental abuses etc., the only thing that would actually prompt an all-out civil war in this country is if uncle sam tried to put the weed plant back in the closet.

I just heard back from David Lomas from
Hi Roger,

Thanks for the follow up and yes, Hooper is Correct.

Citizen is very conservative company especially when comes to the horticulture industry. Unfortunately they do not support the sale of leds to horticulture industry with the rise of demand for cannabis lighting.

Dave Lomas

Now the decision do we continue to support a company like CITIZEN that does not support the cannabis community?
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Whoever told you that probably won't have a job soon. Hard to believe light manufacturers don't love cannabis growers.
Now the decision do we continue to support a company like CITIZEN that does not support the cannabis community?

I don't think that's a question at all. I think the answer is quite clearly: No.

While I can understand if somebody told them flat out something stupid like, "what's the best kush growing light you got, duuuuuuuude?"

Yea. You'd be stupid to sell to that guy.

But for all you know I'm growing the worlds best African violets. It's not your job to be an asshole over a light sale. If it is, then you can shove your lights up your ass and we'll shop elsewhere.
i think a lot of people forget (or are too young) to understand the dance you had to do when you were buying gear from home depot and grainger and it was still very much underground.

the drug war, like the race war, lives on in infamy even after the laws are "corrected" to where everything should be equitable

but i agree its poor policy to mix business with politics, this is something that can and will come around to bite them in the ass. i like their products but have no allegiance. if there was something better out there id be offering it. for now ill continue to be the intermediate guy that fields all the questions you cant ask your citi/cdi rep. and so the dance continues....
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speaking of the dance, in 1997 (while med was full legal in CA), we drove 3 hours to the nearest hydro store only to get refused service because my wife was wearing a 4:20 shirt. came home from a 6 hour trip without the gear we needed as there were no other options. and im sure that store owner was as heady as it comes. years later i read that they were being watched by local LE who were camped out writing license plates down and coming in trying to sting them into selling stuff. Point being, dont take peoples actions at face value as a lot of times there are hidden forces at work. for all you know it could be one cranky guy in the distribution department or it could be a board-level brass decision, hard to say. for now its prob best to just play it cool until more options are on the table.
It's a social/traditional issue in Japan, so deeply ingrained it will never change in any near future......"drugs" are a sign of weakness and admission of one's evil...............something like that, had a Japanese roommate at school. He would always bounce as soon as we would light up.

yet they smoke cigs like champs and drink like fishes...........whatever, it's your money spend it how you want.
I think we have a start in the right direction at least with Medical Cannabis, but then we all have to watch our asses so much you cant even wear a shirt around that looks like a pot bud. The looks I got and the empty stares, wow it was insane how a plant could instill such fear hate and anger- its got leaves and roots fuckers not guns and oil leave us the fuck alone. Okay my guys at Over the moon clothing / clinic and grow store do not discriminate and I believe he ships all over check them out if you want to good people, stand behind their shit! here is there facebook page, not pushing Im just telling who stands up for customers.
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I could care less if citizen supports cannabis.

As long as it does the job. I wouldn't release that info to them anyways.

I will be purchasing some when I get some spare cash laying around.