CDx Life Presents MyDx - The First Handheld Device to Instantly Test Cannabis Samples

I like how in FAQs... Under refunds... It says to check indiegogo's TOS.... "We give no refunds" lol I really hope our community is a little smarter than this
Where can I rent this time machine so I can go 1 year in the future to watch pecimists struggle to breath with their feet in their mouthes.
Serious question for TonightYou:I am very impressed with your abundant care for the common consumer like me. Can you help me do some purchases in the future? I need to buy a cheap tablet for the baby boy. Any ideas?
Where can I rent this time machine so I can go 1 year in the future to watch pecimists struggle to breath with their feet in their mouthes.
Serious question for TonightYou:I am very impressed with your abundant care for the common consumer like me. Can you help me do some purchases in the future? I need to buy a cheap tablet for the baby boy. Any ideas?

Don't worry my time machine crowd funding page will be up on Indiegogo soon. For $200 you get a place in the queue to use the time machine once built for just one hour. However if I never build the time machine due to factors outside my control such as: my own personal incompetence, lack of technical expertise, misappropriation of investor funding, lavish promotional parties costing thousands of dollars and the laws physics I get to keep your money.

Sounds fair to me. How about you ?
Sounds like "unicorns shitting rainbows" (C TonightYou 2014). But I would send you $200 for something that is possible and very likely the next thing.
Sounds like "unicorns shitting rainbows" (C TonightYou 2014). But I would send you $200 for something that is possible and very likely the next thing.

You have 19 posts since joining, very recently.... All posts in this thread. How simple minded do you take us for?
I really dont care what is said of me. People have called me an idiot and simpleminded on this thread. I dont care, time will solve all. If you're interested in donating money to a new idea, I'm sure you would have at least googled something about it. In doing that, I found some good questions and some not so good opinions here on this thread and site. I joined to say yes, there are people (is 1 at least) that are optimistic and believe. If my $ goes to waste on one of the best ideas I've heard in years, then yes I've lost. BUT, I'm sure that there is a company or people out there with the knowhow and funds that will see my wasted $ as proof that there is a want and maybe a need for such a product and make it happen. The difference between me and all of you is even though we have all agreed that this product would be amazing, I have put my $ where my mouth is.
I'm getting tired of the personal attacks on this site and will be quitting soon. Some of you argue and debate with reason and fact, but sadly, most of the comments I've seen are just plain bashing and ranting.
Sorry for the essay.
I like how in FAQs... Under refunds... It says to check indiegogo's TOS.... "We give no refunds" lol I really hope our community is a little smarter than this

Exactly, they want to make sure the fine print says basically you voluntarily gave money for hopes and dreams, neither happens as this doesn't come to fruition, particularly doing what the stated purpose is.

Where can I rent this time machine so I can go 1 year in the future to watch pecimists struggle to breath with their feet in their mouthes.
Serious question for TonightYou:I am very impressed with your abundant care for the common consumer like me. Can you help me do some purchases in the future? I need to buy a cheap tablet for the baby boy. Any ideas?

First off, its pessimist, not whatever the hell lazy spelling that is. Its like ya didn't even try. Plus, whats up with the whole feet in mouths thing? Kinda weird fetish to be bringing up consistently.

To a serious point, not that this scam isn't serious, but regarding the tablet. I'm a fan of the Asus 7" tablet, or the Kindle Fire HD. Both of those have value, and I'm an android guy. I find 10" tablets to be a bit more cumbersome, where as the 7" tablets tend to feel more comfortable during extended periods of time. I don't own a tablet but I purchase tablets for the company I work for. Not a fan of Apple to be honest. So those are my two cents regarding tablets.

I really dont care what is said of me. People have called me an idiot and simpleminded on this thread. I dont care, time will solve all. If you're interested in donating money to a new idea, I'm sure you would have at least googled something about it. In doing that, I found some good questions and some not so good opinions here on this thread and site. I joined to say yes, there are people (is 1 at least) that are optimistic and believe. If my $ goes to waste on one of the best ideas I've heard in years, then yes I've lost. BUT, I'm sure that there is a company or people out there with the knowhow and funds that will see my wasted $ as proof that there is a want and maybe a need for such a product and make it happen. The difference between me and all of you is even though we have all agreed that this product would be amazing, I have put my $ where my mouth is.
I'm getting tired of the personal attacks on this site and will be quitting soon. Some of you argue and debate with reason and fact, but sadly, most of the comments I've seen are just plain bashing and ranting.
Sorry for the essay.

No you put your money to someones' car payment, or you are part of the project hoping to get your car note covered ;)
wow for this too stil be going on really. im at a loss of words. its a fing scam they said donate. really all when they say donate that means your money will never come back regardless. so what is too discuss? nothing you lost your money when they said donate. yes it says donate. so you got fucked. your money is now in the hands of a fool who took your money and is laughing at you. well dont cry or worry karma will get him in the end so bite your bullet and say wow i got took. we all get took at some point in life none of use is bullet proof. live and learn and suck it up. you got took as soon as you see donate know this if you give you got taken. period. no need to talk about it no need to cry about it say goodbye money and know you got took. sorry its real and you got took. we all do in diff ways this was your way.
peace and love all
wow for this too stil be going on really. im at a loss of words. its a fing scam they said donate. really all when they say donate that means your money will never come back regardless. so what is too discuss? nothing you lost your money when they said donate. yes it says donate. so you got fucked. your money is now in the hands of a fool who took your money and is laughing at you. well dont cry or worry karma will get him in the end so bite your bullet and say wow i got took. we all get took at some point in life none of use is bullet proof. live and learn and suck it up. you got took as soon as you see donate know this if you give you got taken. period. no need to talk about it no need to cry about it say goodbye money and know you got took. sorry its real and you got took. we all do in diff ways this was your way.
peace and love all

Because the more this thread gets posts, the higher it ranks in google. Furthermore interested parties can go over this thread, see the pathetic responses, and frankly important ignored questions by this CDx scam. Plus some good people have gotten taken on this pipe dream. Nothing makes me more irritated than scammers and people taking advantage of others. People taking the easy way out to pull one over on others, while many people bust ass for an "honest" living.
if you dont care about giving money to people with good ideas, hook me up as i have plenty of plausible but ultimately impossibe at this time ideas(including handheld gc/ms lol) need my paypal, make sure to click donation!
oh okay, yes that is why i said it like that. yes i hate those who scam others. hope you keep going then and keep making sure all dont loose any money. you are a great person Tonightyou. im gonna give you rep for watching out for your riu family.
love and peace
I can be a great person, sometimes I'm a bit thick headed and can be a dick. Thanks for the compliment, just trying to help out where I can.
It was a joke. On you. "Meat" and "meet" are homonyms. They SOUND the same when you say them. However, when you spell them in different ways they mean different things. "Meat" is something fleshy that can be consumed for protein. Not a big deal. I would just assume someone with the intelligence to deliver said product (or in any way be a part of its manufacture) would know that. Or not. Whatever.

As others have said; I HOPE THIS COMES TO FRUITION. I would buy one. But you are not helping the cause on here. Just proving our point.

Some of us have been in this "industry" YEARS AND YEARS before it was cool, quasi-legal and mainstream. We've put our lives on the line for what we know is right. I don't blame Mr. Ganja (Tonight You would be more accurate?) for telling you what's up. IMO it's criminal what you are doing. I wouldn't lose sleep over 200 bucks either. It's just the principle.

Just a shout out to you Brek, and all my fellow brethren that were growing before prop 215 came to exsistance!!!!!!
By our blood sweat, and many tears(mainly from being ripped), to this now casual arrogant scene nowadays! Don't need anymore people to come and take more of the pie for themselves.
And if it does all these other tests as well....then you should be able to find legit investors, since it would be usefull in many applications!
Just a shout out to you Brek, and all my fellow brethren that were growing before prop 215 came to exsistance!!!!!!
By our blood sweat, and many tears(mainly from being ripped), to this now casual arrogant scene nowadays! Don't need anymore people to come and take more of the pie for themselves.
And if it does all these other tests as well....then you should be able to find legit investors, since it would be usefull in many applications!

This is true. Seems since cannabis is becoming legalized, more scammers are coming out of the wood work. Fuck the scammers at Cdx!
Man there up to $16,000! Kick starter websites are such a great tool, companies like this are going to be the downfall of them. I wonder if they would hire me for my photo shop skills! There mock up of the GUI on the iPhone is so terrible! They literally pasted a fake GUI over another iPhone 5 screen image. I hope there are repercussions for them taking all these "donations"
Yep that's the sad thing. Scams are inevitable which will lead to regulations, which to be honest, that industry needs. Poor suckers will be sad come "delivery date"