

Well-Known Member
Hey, at least you tried Joe. But, there are some in here that live to stir up drama(I see you've encountered one of them already), so I don't see it happening.


New Member
Sad but true, there are a few troll on here, some have been discarded by the Mods and maybe these latest ones will step in shit soon and be 86d. All they do is rant against the individual, not the topic. I have my rants against individuals that insist upon demeaning me personally, I believe that is fair game, But it is the "Idea" that should preside over the Bullying of others. Some deserve nothing less than scorn, IE: "eat the corn out of my shit", totally unnecessary and below the bottom rung of intellect.


New Member
Sad but true, there are a few troll on here, some have been discarded by the Mods and maybe these latest ones will step in shit soon and be 86d. All they do is rant against the individual, not the topic. I have my rants against individuals that insist upon demeaning me personally, I believe that is fair game, But it is the "Idea" that should preside over the Bullying of others. Some deserve nothing less than scorn, IE: "eat the corn out of my shit", totally unnecessary and below the bottom rung of intellect.
So your the "corn" poster. I could have guessed.


New Member
~lol~ ... of COURSE Med's the corn poster. Naw, on second thought maybe not. He's into dicks, cocks, butt fucking and blow jobs. :mrgreen:

Not dissing you here Med, just reprinting excerpts from your posts.



New Member
~lol~ ... of COURSE Med's the corn poster. Naw, on second thought maybe not. He's into dicks, cocks, butt fucking and blow jobs. :mrgreen:

Not dissing you here Med, just reprinting excerpts from your posts.
