Celebrities who smoke weed


Active Member
I thought it would be interesting for people to list the celebrities they know who smoke ganja. 3 of the top of my head are James Franco, Brad Pitt and Richard Branson (easily the most successful stoner on earth lol). All 3 of these guys are pretty cool and very successful, this helps me to realise that you can smoke and still aspire to great things, unlike the perception that stoners are lazy, uneducated and wasters.


Well-Known Member
the only "celebs" I'd name are one's doing work for the cause of legalization dont care what celeb smokes much less do in their off screen time....


Active Member
Ok Mr Moral Crusader, both Brad Pitt and Richard Branson actively promote declassification of weed. Its just a bit of fun...


Well-Known Member
Ok Mr Moral Crusader, both Brad Pitt and Richard Branson actively promote declassification of weed. Its just a bit of fun...
was not trying to harsh your mellow... were all allowed to express our thoughts here...


Well-Known Member
Mr. Wizard ... You, sir, are not a good person.

Michael J. Fox
Maury Povich
Montel Williams
Joe Rogan
Michael Phelps
Tommy Lee (<-- we take the good with the bad.)
Whoopi Goldberg
Justin Bieber
Chris Brown
Seth Rogen
James Franco
Snoop Dogg
Oliver Stone

Almost all of them are openly pro-pot, and a number of them argue(d) in support of medical cannabis or even full decriminalization.

Smoke weed every day...


Well-Known Member
Nobody on this forum knows gay porn stars. You're safe. Go hang out with giggles and you'll be safe from zombies too. :p
I wasn't talking about my porn career. That was more a 15-minutes of fame thing and not celeb status. But ok - I'm a celeb twice.

p.s. Wasn't gay but I could see how you could think that. :)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I wasn't talking about my porn career. That was more a 15-minutes of fame thing and not celeb status. But ok - I'm a celeb twice.

p.s. Wasn't gay but I could see how you could think that. :)
You don't have to be gay to do gay porn. A lot of actors in gay porn are straight. Gay porn pays better. Gay for pay is what it's called. ;)

p.s. I was just giving you shit. LOL