Sir Napsalot
Well-Known Member
Amazona Oratrix
by Paul Bedard
| December 03, 2018 08:15 AM
A majority of “non-citizens,” including those with legal green card rights, are tapping into welfare programs set up to help poor and ailing Americans, a Census Bureau finding that bolsters President Trump’s concern about immigrants costing the nation.
In a new analysis of the latest numbers, from 2014, 63 percent of non-citizens are using a welfare program, and it grows to 70 percent for those here 10 years or more, confirming another concern that once immigrants tap into welfare, they don’t get off it.
The Center for Immigration Studies said in its report that the numbers give support for Trump’s plan to cut non-citizens off welfare from the “public charge” if they want a green card that allows them to legally work in the United States.
“The Trump administration has proposed new ‘public charge’ rules making it harder for prospective immigrants to qualify for lawful permanent residence -- green cards -- if they use or are likely to use U.S. welfare programs,” said CIS.
“Concern over immigrant welfare use is justified, as households headed by non-citizens use means-tested welfare at high rates. Non-citizens in the data include illegal immigrants, long-term temporary visitors like guest workers, and permanent residents who have not naturalized. While barriers to welfare use exist for these groups, it has not prevented them from making extensive use of the welfare system, often receiving benefits on behalf of U.S.-born children,” added the Washington-based immigration think tank.
The numbers are huge. The report said that there are 4,684,784 million non-citizen households receiving welfare.
And nearly all, 4,370,385, have at least one worker in the house..
In their report, Steven A. Camarota, the director of research, and Karen Zeigler, a demographer at the Center, said that in census data, about half of those are in the United States illegally.
Their key findings in the analysis:
- In 2014, 63 percent of households headed by a non-citizen reported that they used at least one welfare program, compared to 35 percent of native-headed households.
- Welfare use drops to 58 percent for non-citizen households and 30 percent for native households if cash payments from the Earned Income Tax Credit are not counted as welfare. EITC recipients pay no federal income tax. Like other welfare, the EITC is a means-tested, anti-poverty program, but unlike other programs one has to work to receive it.
- Compared to native households, non-citizen households have much higher use of food programs (45 percent vs. 21 percent for natives) and Medicaid (50 percent vs. 23 percent for natives).
- Including the EITC, 31 percent of non-citizen-headed households receive cash welfare, compared to 19 percent of native households. If the EITC is not included, then cash receipt by non-citizen households is slightly lower than natives (6 percent vs. 8 percent).
- While most new legal immigrants (green card holders) are barred from most welfare programs, as are illegal immigrants and temporary visitors, these provisions have only a modest impact on non-citizen household use rates because: 1) most legal immigrants have been in the country long enough to qualify; 2) the bar does not apply to all programs, nor does it always apply to non-citizen children; 3) some states provide welfare to new immigrants on their own; and, most importantly, 4) non-citizens (including illegal immigrants) can receive benefits on behalf of their U.S.-born children who are awarded U.S. citizenship and full welfare eligibility at birth.
I hope you see the irony in this post...Also if you cant afford the few pennies in your paycheck that it takes to feed your fellow human being get the fuck off the internet.
I hope you see the irony in this post...
Irony prioritizing food over paying for an isp?I hope you see the irony in this post...
Demonstrably falseSure Illegal immigrants pay some taxes but they are a net drain on society.
pot meet kettleSure Illegal immigrants pay some taxes but they are a net drain on society.
oh, your using these people as the basis for your argument?, maybe you should have taken debate class, this is a non profit, they can say what they want and make up any data they want,, and thier founder?,, guess who yup a right wing crazy nut John Tanton,, see if you want to debate a topic at least find data that isnt just made up willy nilly
They are jags.oh, your using these people as the basis for your argument?, maybe you should have taken debate class, this is a non profit, they can say what they want and make up any data they want,, and thier founder?,, guess who yup a right wing crazy nut John Tanton,, see if you want to debate a topic at least find data that isnt just made up willy nilly
I thought you flat earther's didn't believe science or polls?
by Paul Bedard
| December 03, 2018 08:15 AM
A majority of “non-citizens,” including those with legal green card rights, are tapping into welfare programs set up to help poor and ailing Americans, a Census Bureau finding that bolsters President Trump’s concern about immigrants costing the nation.
In a new analysis of the latest numbers, from 2014, 63 percent of non-citizens are using a welfare program, and it grows to 70 percent for those here 10 years or more, confirming another concern that once immigrants tap into welfare, they don’t get off it.
The Center for Immigration Studies said in its report that the numbers give support for Trump’s plan to cut non-citizens off welfare from the “public charge” if they want a green card that allows them to legally work in the United States.
“The Trump administration has proposed new ‘public charge’ rules making it harder for prospective immigrants to qualify for lawful permanent residence -- green cards -- if they use or are likely to use U.S. welfare programs,” said CIS.
“Concern over immigrant welfare use is justified, as households headed by non-citizens use means-tested welfare at high rates. Non-citizens in the data include illegal immigrants, long-term temporary visitors like guest workers, and permanent residents who have not naturalized. While barriers to welfare use exist for these groups, it has not prevented them from making extensive use of the welfare system, often receiving benefits on behalf of U.S.-born children,” added the Washington-based immigration think tank.
The numbers are huge. The report said that there are 4,684,784 million non-citizen households receiving welfare.
And nearly all, 4,370,385, have at least one worker in the house..
In their report, Steven A. Camarota, the director of research, and Karen Zeigler, a demographer at the Center, said that in census data, about half of those are in the United States illegally.
Their key findings in the analysis:
- In 2014, 63 percent of households headed by a non-citizen reported that they used at least one welfare program, compared to 35 percent of native-headed households.
- Welfare use drops to 58 percent for non-citizen households and 30 percent for native households if cash payments from the Earned Income Tax Credit are not counted as welfare. EITC recipients pay no federal income tax. Like other welfare, the EITC is a means-tested, anti-poverty program, but unlike other programs one has to work to receive it.
- Compared to native households, non-citizen households have much higher use of food programs (45 percent vs. 21 percent for natives) and Medicaid (50 percent vs. 23 percent for natives).
- Including the EITC, 31 percent of non-citizen-headed households receive cash welfare, compared to 19 percent of native households. If the EITC is not included, then cash receipt by non-citizen households is slightly lower than natives (6 percent vs. 8 percent).
- While most new legal immigrants (green card holders) are barred from most welfare programs, as are illegal immigrants and temporary visitors, these provisions have only a modest impact on non-citizen household use rates because: 1) most legal immigrants have been in the country long enough to qualify; 2) the bar does not apply to all programs, nor does it always apply to non-citizen children; 3) some states provide welfare to new immigrants on their own; and, most importantly, 4) non-citizens (including illegal immigrants) can receive benefits on behalf of their U.S.-born children who are awarded U.S. citizenship and full welfare eligibility at birth.
Sure Illegal immigrants pay some taxes but they are a net drain on society.
can you not fvcking read?
The irony of complaining about moochers while mooching on a taxpayers-paid digital infrastructure?I hope you see the irony in this post...
2. How the hell do you believe that non citizens are even able to get welfare benefits. OP must believe they just hand that shit out if you stand in a line? Ignorant republicunts . Go try and get some government assistance and tell me how easy it is, please.
Kuhl story, broh.Simple. They have kids within the united states, granting the children citizenship. Then the parents file for medicaid and food stamps under their children's names. Then the parents work an under-the-table job, avoiding income tax. The only taxes they pay are sales/fuel/other consumer taxes. I'm not even a republican but to say that illegals aren't a drain on American society is just sheer ignorance.
The census is decennial, ie, every ten years. The last one was in 2010, the next one will be in 2020.Couple of things.
1. Where was the citizenship question on the 2014 census? I must have missed it considering 2020 will be the first time it's been asked since 1950. Hmmm.
2. How the hell do you believe that non citizens are even able to get welfare benefits. OP must believe they just hand that shit out if you stand in a line? Ignorant republicunts . Go try and get some government assistance and tell me how easy it is, please.
OP and anyone who believes this bullshit hate propaganda is a DUMB ASS.
Not if you look at the lifetime of the immigrant. Later on when they are making more money, they will pay more taxes. {Most immigrants are hard workers, and have at least one job}Sure Illegal immigrants pay some taxes but they are a net drain on society.
Sounds like the real criminals are the employers breaking the law paying them under the table, getting out of their own obligations of paying taxes on their employees, and not paying the local minimum wage.Simple. They have kids within the united states, granting the children citizenship. Then the parents file for medicaid and food stamps under their children's names. Then the parents work an under-the-table job, avoiding income tax. The only taxes they pay are sales/fuel/other consumer taxes. I'm not even a republican but to say that illegals aren't a drain on American society is just sheer ignorance.