Ceres Skunk Problem


Any ideas whats going on with this plant? Six weeks into veg now, just about to switch over to flowering. bit concerned...


Well-Known Member
hmm that is odd. but need more info, what is your light hours, ppm and your ph level. and how often watering


18/6 - using 2 x 125 blue cfl's. Not sure of pH, but have fairly recently repotted using guano mix. The new growth is really healthy. The lower leaves are dropping off, i think because the potting soil I used originally was clearly rubbish... I'm only watering when it feels pretty dry now. Think I overwatered to begin with, so I'm holding back now. do you think it's just a sign of the damage done by using the crappy soil to begin with?


Well-Known Member
it is a possibility and that maybe you were watering to much which intern if you had nuts in the water, you would be nut burning them. Also i would invest in ph level for soil, get at lowes or home depot for like 8 bucks and then get ph lower at local hydro store. because right ph level omg the growth is insane so are the buds. :) hope that helped. and the crappy soil in a way can cause some probs with plant but not cause it to die off like that.


ok, that sounds pretty reasonable... I think you are probably right. So, besides getting a pH meter what else can i do? I'm presuming that since the new growth is good, if my nutes are right it shouldn't spread further up, right?


Active Member
Yep. I looks like a good recovery. Stay where you are at in regards to your feeding. When you switch to flowering follow the nute directions to a "T". Don't try to add more, what it says is best. Good luck!