CFL any Opinions ???

cheese man

Hey guys
I just wanted to get some your opinions on CFL growing
I have a crop in the works at the the minute so I was thinking about setting up an nice little vegging area so I can shave a few weeks off the next batch. I am after ordering 4 24W CFL 6500k and i have a 35W CFL 6500k.
So the grow space is 13in by 28in. I will be starting them in propagators for the first few days then ill be
transplanting into 5in pots.

Each one of the 24W bulbs produce 1400 lumen's
Im not quite sure how much lumen's the 35W produces

So my question is how long can i veg in this area before its time to put them in the tent ?

ps i have 6 seeds but i only plan on finishing 4 in the tent
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Well-Known Member
I have a similar veg cab. i pull clones just before putting plants into flower tent. So I think same idea - keep the flowet tent for flowering.

My cab is about 26" tall and had a hood that holds 14 bulbs. I actually use mostly cree led from homedepot, with a few cfl for heat. Assuming your height is similar, you need to top and train to keep the, short but it works great.

My veg is made from two small kitchen racks facing eachother, some gap in the middle, and wrapped together in panda film and refectlix. I use a inline fan (bathroom issue) for exhaust with a filter on it.

If the veg tent and flower tent are in the same room... Challenges become keeping temps and rh where you want for both veg and flowering. I run led for my flower as well. So I tend to have a small humidifer that feeds the veg cab and then a dehumidifer that dries the overall room feeding the flower tent. With a few cfls in the veg hood, I can also keep it warmer in the veg cab.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Know people who use CFL's for total grows and results are impressive. There are many pro's -cheap to run, inexpensive cost -no heat issues - many folks are switching over to or at least use them in Vegation stage along in Germination and seedling stage. One can expect better yields with other ligting - but CFL's work just fine !!!!


Well-Known Member
Sometimes, I get real down.... so I go to pages about ppl with CFL grows to make me chuckle...

I love when people confuse these

for being these.

lol... The top one... is for lighting your bedside reading lamp...... the bottom one, is for growing plants...

Why run 10 bulbs crammed into some ghetto rig hood, instead of one light, and one fan......

Cuz it makes people like me smile to see it, and thats worth every wasted penny, keep up the good work mini-lamp growers!



Well-Known Member
Sometimes, I get real down.... so I go to pages about ppl with CFL grows to make me chuckle...

I love when people confuse these

for being these.

lol... The top one... is for lighting your bedside reading lamp...... the bottom one, is for growing plants...

Why run 10 bulbs crammed into some ghetto rig hood, instead of one light, and one fan......

Cuz it makes people like me smile to see it, and thats worth every wasted penny, keep up the good work mini-lamp growers!
It blows me away how shallow and closed minded some people can be.

I have a ghetto rig in my veg tent. Ever hear about people who want more than one light spectrum? Try getting that with one lamp. What about wanting to adjust the amount of lumens due to fewer plants (or even just a cloner)?

I can consistently pull 1/2 pound every couple of months, using six 23w CFLs in my veg tent.

Keep the attitude and snide remarks to yourself. People do things for different reasons.


cheese man

I have a similar veg cab. i pull clones just before putting plants into flower tent. So I think same idea - keep the flowet tent for flowering.

My cab is about 26" tall and had a hood that holds 14 bulbs. I actually use mostly cree led from homedepot, with a few cfl for heat. Assuming your height is similar, you need to top and train to keep the, short but it works great.

My veg is made from two small kitchen racks facing eachother, some gap in the middle, and wrapped together in panda film and refectlix. I use a inline fan (bathroom issue) for exhaust with a filter on it.

If the veg tent and flower tent are in the same room... Challenges become keeping temps and rh where you want for both veg and flowering. I run led for my flower as well. So I tend to have a small humidifer that feeds the veg cab and then a dehumidifer that dries the overall room feeding the flower tent. With a few cfls in the veg hood, I can also keep it warmer in the veg cab.
Cheers for the information. I forgot to mention that its about 5 foot high wit the reflector so i dunno if height will be an issue.
As for any smart bastards responding to this tread I uses a 600w hps flowering and 400w mh normally for veg I also have a 250 hps and mh but I just wanted to set up a little area that didn't require me to cut a hole for extracting. The best ting about CFL is the heat. Or lack of I should say.
I have seen great results on florescent tubs. I think that for the first 2 weeks it doesn't really matter what you use they all seem to grow at the same rate if anything its a waste to use mh because they can only use an x amount of light and the rest is wasted.

so how long could i comfortably use this space for before the light isn't enough ???

p.s. i can always add more bulbs if i need to

thanks for all the support
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