CFL Blackberry Indica/Sativa (Pics)


Active Member
So you think nute burn? The problem started when I began to use plain water, and now it is going away as I put FF bloom in the water, dunno. I think the pellets of Vigoro are gone since I transfered, so there were hardly any nutes, I'll try a flush though, can't really hurt it...This grow is gonna take a while -_- I'm thinking another 20-30 days...
What's your ph level? Nice journal! Subscribed. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Yeah when I can get a ride to Lowes I'll get a ph meter..the last one i bought is a piece of shit so I'm not sure..It could be and probably is the problem, I'll hike out there tomorrow morning for the outdoor porn ;)


Well-Known Member
I bought Lowes PH tester. GARBAGE! Tap water didnt move it and i know its well above 7. Get the Ph drops, most reptile shops have them. Just make sure to get the wide spectrum 4-8..


Active Member
I'm sorry this has taken so long. So for certain reasons I had to trash the girl indoors :/....The male is also gone, and only the girl outside remains. She is doing quite well though, except for her development, it is being rather slow. It has now been 7 weeks of 12-12, 5 weeks since showing signs of sex...I think. Here is the outdoor porn I was SUPPOSED to get a while ago ;)

Girl outside:

This is a different view of my grow's easier to see now that the foilage has died...I made a red box outlining the bin she is in.

I decided to go on a hike around my grow and found this sweet ass ~3ft waterfall

PS: I wanted to give her a boost into flowering so I watered her with a bit over full strength FF tiger bloom...1/3 gallon today since it rained last couple of days...I'll do the rest on the weekend.


Active Member
So I checked the monthy weather forecast...It seems the average low will be ~40 degrees until Nov 24th, after that it changes to 38 and 37 until the end of November. No ill signs from the cold yet, except slower growth, but if there aren't any 2-day freezes I think she'll make it.


Well-Known Member
Yup, it 26 right now in Mich. Were LEGALLY not allowed to grow outdoors anyway;) I guessing pot growin at home is unacceptable. Otherwise id say throw her in ur attic or somethin. I hope she makes it. I wanna see some harvest pics..


Active Member
That spot is pretty much the biggest 'clearing' around except for one that is near a suburb, but no thank you lol. Ugh I can't wait to start this box, won't have to deal with outdoor temps....


Well-Known Member
Sicc! I hav some ?s if u have time.lemme know and ill post here if its cool with Kaiseraxel? Kaiser? May I?


Active Member
I tend to zip them up in the morning, and down at night
But seriously, lol...The girl outdoors couldn't take the cold--I put her out of her misery. I'm going to be building a 12-12 from seed box, probably with CFLs but maybe with a low wattage MH. I'm thinking 10 plants to start out, reg. seeds, soil, end up with hopefully 6-8 females if Sgt's advice is correct ;)