cfl burned my seedling! HELP!

i guess i knocked over one of the cfls dirrectly on top of the seedling and its beat up pretty bad has brown marks im assuming burn marks!:wall:View attachment 1889895what should i do!?
leave her be n maybey she will pull thru or cut the two burnt leaves off i dont know?
but im not givving up on her!

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
She will recover 100%.... She only has 2 leafs.. Those small round smooth things are cotydelons.... They die and fall off eventually anyway...Rest assured with the words of all above, your A-OK....


you know how your seedlings leaves are bending downwards, what does it mean if they are starting to bend upwards? is the light too far away or too close or is it nothing to worry about?
you know how your seedlings leaves are bending downwards, what does it mean if they are starting to bend upwards? is the light too far away or too close or is it nothing to worry about?
hmmm.... not shure
well i think its because it got smashed and burnt by the cfl (lesson learned)
what kind of light are you using?
i keep mine very colse, like 1 inch away the other seedling that didnt get burned is doing fine! leafs arent bent downward