CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!


Active Member
Full Order from Attitude, we will be planting one of these seeds and i wanted to see what everyone thinks we should grow

keep in mind that only the Special Kush #1 and DNA Hash Plant Haze are Fem. i wanted to know what our viewers thought. also ive heard that the Special Kush #1 is actually Hindu Kush, if that helps your decision. thanks, looking forward to seeing feedback


Active Member
My Vote happends to Kandy Kush Skunk.

so that makes it now 1 vote Special Kush, 1 Vote Kush Berry Skunk and 1 Vote Kandy Kush Skunk

also bubbleicious is a choice too.

and me and gobears have been talking and we're gonna finish bubbles and then grow 2 plants. so keep voting.

and pictures of bubbles will be coming tomorrow.

thanks for everyones feedback and sticking with us.


Well-Known Member
hey man i started to vote for candy kush skunk, since you are going to grow two, that is my second choice. LOL


Active Member
Didnt read all the thread. But i would go with Kandy kush x skunk
And bubblelicious :)
Waiting for bubble pics.


Active Member
there is some pictures of the grow on page 10. but there will be more coming today probably in a few hours. since we're growing 2 i think we're gonna just grow the top 2 ones that are voted on. and i guess im taking that as a vote from mmsicis.

so 2 Kandy Kush x Skunk, 1 Special Kush and 1 Kushberry x Skunk.

anymore voters would be high appreciated


Well-Known Member
Hoy fuckin' A, those seeds look PLUMP!! I can't believe how healthy they look! My beans were tiny and light colored-I was surprised that they even germed.

'Another vote for the Kandy Kush Skunk. :) :leaf:


Active Member
sweet thanks topo.

3 Kandy Kush x Skunk, 1 Special Kush and 1 Kushberry X Skunk

Im gonna get some pictures of the my bagseed seeds and the bubblecious.

maybe it will give them a chance to be voted on haha


Well-Known Member
started germing some bag seed today,im going to flower it with bubbles so ill have 2 plants in flower stage,just incase ones a male ya know.Wish me luck,starting to flower bubbles as soon as the seed germs!


Active Member
we're germinating 3 bagseed seeds. and if they all end up germinating we'll just grow all 3. as for the pictures of bubbles here they are



Well-Known Member
Go babies, go!!!!

I'm 100% convinced that my next grow will be a Bubble in the closet. The hardest part is to convince the wife :( The trouble might be the odor since I don't have the resources to punch out holes, buy fans and do duct work....