CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!


Active Member
Go babies, go!!!!

I'm 100% convinced that my next grow will be a Bubble in the closet. The hardest part is to convince the wife :( The trouble might be the odor since I don't have the resources to punch out holes, buy fans and do duct work....
we have no ventilation except the bottom of the door. which im pretty sure doesn't count. so smell might end up being a problem for us but we'll keep you posted


Well-Known Member
ha ha mine is gettin real stinky. but i have air purifiers and candles, and those heated oil thingies all over the house. so you can't smell it in the house just in her room.

bubbles is getting sooooo big and she sure has a purdy your doing a great job guys. keep ip the good work.


Active Member
thanks a lot, i haven't gotten to talk to gobears since sunday when i took pictures of bubbles but i would imagine that the bag seed's we germinated are cracked open and hes planting all the ones that cracked open hopefully all 3.


Well-Known Member
only one germed so i planted that one.Bubbles is looking lovely i started floweing her as of yesterday night.Cant wait to find out the sex!!!


Well-Known Member
only one germed so i planted that one.Bubbles is looking lovely i started floweing her as of yesterday night.Cant wait to find out the sex!!!
I'd be interested to see how much height she gains with the flowering photoperiod.

Rock on!!! :leaf:


Active Member
yup, its a new experience for me since ive never grown or helped anyone grow before. but we'll try to get some pics of her maybe sometime next week or this weekend.


Well-Known Member
she hasnt shown any signs of extra growth yet but she will.I might be transplanting her this week into a bigger pot so that should help her so she can flourish.I really hope its a her I really do


Well-Known Member
Awesome you guys!! :) I have the same brand, but it is a 600w. Great pricing and quick shipping. You could go "fancier," but the bang for the buck is what you're getting. Nice job. ;)

I am even more interested now that you're doing this. The reason is, my 600w will cook the closet I intend to grow in this summer. I need something smaller. The wife still hasn't been informed yet :lol:, but I am not taking "no" for an answer. I have the ideal closet to do this. The only thing I'll need is odor control. I guess I need to punch a hole in the drywall ceiling and exhaust it out.

Either way folks, you got all of our support!! Pass out cigars that says "it's a girl" when she shows. Ok, maybe not cigars :lol:



Well-Known Member
thank u,and i wish we could get 600 watts but 150 is all we can afford which im fine with.I cant wait to get it bubbles still hasnt shown nething so im sitll waiting and i cant wait nemore hahahah!!!!!


Well-Known Member
thank u,and i wish we could get 600 watts but 150 is all we can afford which im fine with.I cant wait to get it bubbles still hasnt shown nething so im sitll waiting and i cant wait nemore hahahah!!!!!

Hey I feel ya all the way. I'm an unemployed teacher that got laid off in July. No money = sucks. But read my bottom signature! ;-)

I would have to get the small bulb so that I don't overheat in a small closet. :leaf: