CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!


Well-Known Member
yeah, those 600w lamps get hot as hell, i have to run my air conditioner the whole time my 600w light is on. if i dont i gets up in the low 90s. and i try to keep it 70 or below. this town is a loud ass town and i doubt any body driving by with their window down can hear it. the only person that maybe hears it would be the lady that lives across the street, she is always out in her yard doing something. but i doubt she really cares to pay attention that my ac is running in december. and i'm pretty close to harvest so pretty soon i wont have to run it, until i put some more plants into flower


Active Member
yeah sounds awesome. once we get the HPS we will probably expand are grow. well actually we'll probably wait for bubbles to finish and then go ahead and grow 4-5 plants


Well-Known Member
yea i wish the bulbs didn't get hot like that, but light=heat, no way around it. plus that ac sucks up some energy. i hope it all works out for yall 2 and you guys harvest more than what yall hope for.


Well-Known Member
dope indeed. but like i said, most of the lower leaves of the seedlings that i have lost most of the bottom leaves, i guess cause lack of light but idk may b ph problems,. i have no way to test the ph of the seedlings' soil, but also i do NOT have reflectors. but i DO have one plant that is bushed out the most, but it still has some dead lower leaves. they really dont look too great at all and are stretched a bit even though i have had the lights as close to them as possible. this is what led me to believe that i dont have enough lights. but as long as they r green, they are going to stay. this is my first cfl grow and i didn't do to much research on them at first bc i used my a ballast on the last veg.i have a 600w mh/hps switchable ballast and lamp but i have one flowering and i have it on my big girl. so i had to find some other way to give the other 24 hours. but i know i dont have near enough lights. sorry to blab cuz, but the more plants you have the less likely that just 1 26w cfl per plant will work i would think. i am about to order 6 40w cfl and veg three at a time till i can get more lights. take it easy. here are some pics of these poorly grown plants. my last girl i used the mh turned out great never having a crisp leaf until flowering. pic of her as well
ur lights are the wrong spectrum for vegging. although they work, its growth is slowed and sometimes looks retarded for lack of better words. my first grow i used all 2700 during veg and was wondering for the hell of me why my plants were being so stupid. you should change to 6500


Well-Known Member
so I transplanted today cant get pics yet because its lights off for baby but ill get pics up tommorrow maybe unless im snowmobiling!!!Getting a 150 Watt HPS soon cant wait


Well-Known Member
the transplant went well bubbles is growing more since i did it.Getting pics tommorrow because diagnosed is coming over.So yall can see how bubbles is doing,no sign of sex yet still waiting on that hoping shes a female!!!!


Active Member
also i just ordered are 150w HPS. it should be here in about a week it will be our light for the rest of the grow and then, we will have a 4 plant grow for our next grow


Active Member
New Pics :], we cant tell if its a female maybe u can tell us

Full Shot

Believe this is showing of hairs

Nice Random Picture

Another Full Shot

Full Shot with a Bowl of Weed

Close up

well these are the pictures. post feedback