CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!


Well-Known Member
she is looking awesome guys. i have a really strong feeling that it is a female because it looks a lot like mine did right before she got the hairs. but she will show when she is ready. patience grasshopper............


Well-Known Member
thanks stoner patient as fuck right now just wiating for the hairs,i got a strong feeling shes a female too because of how long shes taking to show sex!!!!!


Sorry i havent read the entire thread but, what type of CFL are those? also could you take pics of your entire closet? I am struggling with mine right now..


Well-Known Member
those r just 26 watt cfls.and ill try to get u a pic asap.Its not that big of a closet all i have is that corner to grow in if that helps.thanks for posting though.


k thanks yea thats what I'm doing. Did u keep those lights like 2 inches away from the plant? Cuz thats what im doing and it is burning my plants. Then i raise the lights and it reaches for light! but yea some pics would be cool.. keep it going brother


Well-Known Member
k thanks yea thats what I'm doing. Did u keep those lights like 2 inches away from the plant? Cuz thats what im doing and it is burning my plants. Then i raise the lights and it reaches for light! but yea some pics would be cool.. keep it going brother
you prolly have poor ventilation. although they dont get as hot as other lights, alot of cfls in a small space with no air will get kind of hot also.


K yea i think i need more fresh air.. that has to be it . I am doing everything else perfect. Fox farm , watering, lighting, fans.. I swear

you prolly have poor ventilation. although they dont get as hot as other lights, alot of cfls in a small space with no air will get kind of hot also.


Active Member
yeah we got decent CFL's, we use good nutes, MG organic soil not the best but it does the job, and we let are water sit for 24 hours before use on the plant


Well-Known Member
yup,eveerything diagnosed said is true.I cant wait to get the HPS I want it so bad.Still no sign of sex im noticing something that looks like a ball so im kind of scared still praying though


Active Member
Hey how is young bubbles doing. I just hit 35 days of flowering and bubbles just started to bud out at like day 28. Now she is spitting out the good THC and starting to frost up a bit.

My White Widows have really taken off. The ones that were topped are damn near frosty white w/all them little crystals! Imma let her go 70 days. I am now a believer of topping. The buds are look way fuller than the non topped plants. Plus they are a littl shorter. From now on i will top at every 3rd node from main stem and also 3rd node from side branches. I noticed that all branches under where you top from the main stem will be clones. And yes i will from now on grow scrog, cut them clones and veg for 2 weeks and put them in the tent.

I my phone is back working so i will fet some pics of bubbles tomorrow. She smells goot! I am going to rub my j in them crystals and blaze!